A kedger handling the roll-out of Santosha in France
- Graduate News
- School news
Financial Times Rankings 2018: KEDGE named 35th best European Business School up 5 places
A kedger has been named Director of Purchasing with France Télévision
Video replay: "Why and How Public Procurement Attracts the Best"
Carbookr, the start-up of a KEDGE alumni has revolutionised the car rental business!
KEDGE offers individual consultations to optimise your LinkedIn profile
You are nominated, you launch a project, a start-up?
A Kedger launches Kids Car, a business that specialises in the sale of electric cars for...
Video replay: Conference “The Major Environmental Challenges of the Sea and the Role of...
The 2019 “Le Figaro Etudiant” Master programmes rankings: KEDGE has been ranked 9th among...
What can KEDGE Alumni offer experienced graduates?
New Entrant Guide: KEDGE Alumni, what's the point?
Portrait: This Kedger is currently racing in the Route du Rhum