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KEDGE graduate ? Participate to our innovative Kedge Summer School in Bordeaux and Marseille !
We are happy to share with you the launch of our next summer schools in Bordeaux and Marseille.
Dear Alumni,
Kedge Business School offers now 5 different Summer School packages – comprised of 12 courses in total (each bearing 5 transferrable ECTS credits) – on our campuses in Bordeaux and Marseille, France.
Courses are tought in English and are catered to advanced Bachelor or Master Students :
Bordeaux :
- French value creation and brand management, applied to Wine & Spirits
- Management of innovation & digital application
Marseille :
- Talent Management, Corporate Social Responsibility
- Sport Marketing and Communication
- Strategic Management & Advanced Marketing for Sports Organizations
- International Business Management
- Sustainable Development
- Cross Cultural Negotiations
- Operations Management
- Beginning French
- Int - Adv French
- Interdisciplinary workshop
Kedge Summer programs are a great opportunity for Students to earn ECTS and improve their business skills while discovering the French Culture.
We invite you to spread and share this information with your network.
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