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Zoom on our coaches - Emmanuel Joly

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin

Thanks to KEDGE Alumni, you can get assistance from a professional coach. 

Présentation du coach 🔎

Emmanuel JOLY has been coaching professionals and students in their career path for more than 15 years. This includes individual coaching that focuses on:   

  • 👉 Personal Branding, to acquire sound techniques to strengthen your employability.
  • A strategy for finding a job, internship, or work-study position
  • Optimisation of application tools (e.g., CV, cover letter, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Preparation for recruitment interviews
  • Network development strategy
  • Salary negotiation
  • Career management

He also provides training courses on: 


👉 Managerial: to enable managers to improve their skills on specific issues (such as public speaking, time optimisation/efficiency, running meetings, etc.)


👉 Tutelage: Training company professionals in supporting new employees in order to establish a win/win relationship between the individual being mentored (better integration, increase in skills, etc.) and the company(thus contributing to attracting and retaining talent).

As of today, Emmanuel has already coached 💪  

👉 +500 students and graduates a year, coming from French business and engineering schools, and  universities


"I had the opportunity to attend a training course run by Emmanuel on creating and developing a LinkedIn network. During this course, he was very professional and extremely instructive. He listened to the students and guided each of us individually on all our areas of difficulty. 


As a result of this course, I was able to quickly build a solid network on LinkedIn, which eventually led to landing a second internship during my gap year. I highly recommend Emmanuel for his training skills."

👉 +50 professionals assisted every year in retraining, job search, career management, and professional negotiations

👉 +30 athletes supported in transitioning careers 

👉 +30 training sessions per year for companiesDF, Sanofi, Mercedes, CCI d'Aix-Marseille, amongst others) 

💬 What the participants say

"Emmanuel helped me in my search for a new position of responsibility that required important technical and managerial skills. Not only did he work with me to define all the aspects of my ideal job, but he also helped me prepare and coached me in all the key stages of a job interview (introducing myself, asking the right questions, understanding the recruiter's expectations, etc.


When my morale was low, Emmanuel always encouraged me. He was always there for me when I needed his help and support. 


All my efforts have paid off as I have just landed my dream job. He's now coaching me as I take up my duties. 


I would like to thank Emmanuel from the bottom of my heart for everything he has done for me, as well as the KEDGE Alumni team and everyone who set up this mentoring system, and who are always ready to listen to graduates and respond to their needs, especially Lola Gouitaa. Extract from the testimony of a Kedger. To read the full testimonial: click here

💬 Ce que disent les coachés

« Emmanuel m’a accompagnée dans ma recherche d’un nouveau poste à responsabilités nécessitant d’importantes compétences techniques et managériales. Il m’a non seulement aidée à définir tous les paramètres de mon job idéal mais il m’a aussi préparée et entraînée à toutes les étapes clé d’un entretien de recrutement (se présenter, poser les bonnes questions, cerner les attentes du recruteur…)


Lorsque j’avais des baisses de moral, Emmanuel m’encourageait tout le temps, il a toujours été là pour moi lorsque j’avais besoin de son aide et de son soutien.


Tous les efforts ont fini par payer puisque je viens de décrocher le job de mes rêves. Il m’accompagne, à présent, dans ma prise de fonctions.


Je remercie de tout mon cœur Emmanuel pour tout ce qu’il a fait pour moi, ainsi que Kedge et toutes les personnes qui ont mis en place ce dispositif d’accompagnement et qui sont toujours à l’écoute des diplômés pour répondre à leurs demandes, notamment Lola Gouitaa. » Extrait du témoignage d'une Kedgeuse. Pour consulter l'intégralité du témoignage : cliquez ici

Les ateliers animés par Emmanuel JOLY cette année 👩‍🎓

👉 Développer son réseau professionnel : Apprenez à développer efficacement votre réseau et l'utiliser à bon escient. 

💡 Accompagnement individuel : Vous pouvez également vous faire accompagner individuellement par nos coachs. Retrouvez tous les dispositifs en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous.


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