🚀 What was your experience as a juror like?
"It was a first for me and I really enjoyed the experience! Ever since I graduated, I've been trying toget involved with the school and its alumni, and this was a great opportunity to discover the great profiles who will be joining us. The organizing team is really great and really puts alumni at ease to be in the best conditions! "
🎓 What advantages do you think you bring as a graduate to the KEDGE Business School admissions panel?
"I've been a graduate since 2020, so I took part in these interviews only a short time ago. So I fully understand the situation these students are in and identify their profiles pretty well. The motivational interview is a very important stage, and having a panel made up of a member of the school as well as an alumnus enables us to cover a wide range of subjects during the discussions and ask a variety of questions. What's more, being an entrepreneur and having had the chance to work in some very fine companies, I bring a concrete perspective of the professional world and companies' expectations."
🎯 In your opinion, if there's one thing you absolutely have to find out about a profile, what is it?
"It may sound trite for a motivational interview, but I'd say motivation! In fact, you can have the best business school teaching, extraordinary associations, lots of events to meet people and be inspired, and have enormous resources to achieve your goals, but if you're not motivated you won't get anywhere. It's important to find candidates who want to get involved, to give their all."
💭 What advice would you give to other graduates interested in jury work?
"Quite simply, don't ask yourself any questions and just go for it! It's a great experience to have, reconnecting with the school, discovering the next generation and giving a little back to a school that has given us so much."
✨ What personal and professional benefits have you found?
"From a personal point of view, it was an opportunity to give something back to Kedge, which has given me so much. It's really rewarding to be able to get involved and give a little of your time to the next generation of Kedgers.
On a professional level, I've met some great former students, renewed ties with others, and it may sound silly, but I feel like I've been part of something bigger: these future students will make our school famous, so it's very important to choose them well."
🎓 Would you like to be part of the 2025 juries?
Admission interview periods:
- 👉 KEDGE Bachelor: April 22 to April 30, 2025
- 👉Sesame : May 02 to May 16, 2025
- 👉 Grande École Program: from May 20 to June 27, 2025
Registration platform opens mid-February 2025!
To receive information about admission interviews 2025 !
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