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Two kedgers launch a spread with no palm oil and less sugar!
Comète founders, Bénédicte Ciotti and Amandine Martineau have launched on a gourmet and healthy venture.
Bénédicte Ciotti are Amandine Martineau both KEDGE Business School graduates.
At 27, Bénédicte is an amateur of board sports. A 2013 graduate of KEDGE Bachelor programme, she worked as a mergers and acquisitions analyst for more than three years. Amandine, 28, is a globetrotter in her soul. She graduated from KEDGE's Grande Ecole MSc Programme in 2013, and worked for two years as a marketing project manager and then three years as a salesperson at Clear Channel.
Given that the French consume on average 80 grams of sugar a day compared to the 25 grams recommended by the WHO, they decided to develop a line of gourmet products that are simply less sugary.
“Whether it’s matter of taste (yep, you’re grown up; you like dark chocolate now !), or for health reasons, Comète is a line of low-sugar gourmet products (and are organic of course)” they state on the company’s website comete-compagnie.fr.
We don’t know about you, but without having Pâte à Étoiler to light up our breakfast, we’ll have a hard time waking up … 💤 Courage to the company for this new week! 😊💪🏽 #petitdejeuneretoile #comete #compagnie #joiedevivre #lundi #mondaymotivation #tartinade #gourmandetmoinssucre #gourmandise #pateaetoiler #pateatartiner #yummy #noisette #chocolat #moinsdesucres #chocolate #bio #madeinfrance #healthy #petitdejeuner #breakfast #superfoods
Post shared by Comète (@comete_compagnie), 13 January 2019 a 11:06 PST
The two partners plan to launch a complete range of gourmet products:
- La Pâte à Étoiler (the first) an organic chocolate and hazelnut, spread containing less sugar
- Cookies
- Brownies for sharing
- And finally, chocolate bars
At first, with the help of an Ulule crowdfunding campaign, Bénédicte and Amandine created"Pâte à Étoiler", an organic chocolate and hazelnut spread made in France clearly made with less sugar (33% compared to 47% on average on the market) and, importantly, no palm oil!
Their products can be found in organic stores (and on their online store: www.comete-compagnie.fr). "We also plan to rely on the network of kedgers to help us with distribution," said Bénédicte. "We've already done it elsewhere: on the Marseille side, Starter's Dough can be found at Biocoop Les Bonnes Graines, a brand-new organic shop that was founded ... by Loïc Segouin, a former kedger!"
What are you waiting for? Try it!
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