New role at Estée Lauder: President and CEO
Estée Lauder Companies Inc. the world's leading prestige beauty company, has announced the appointment of Stéphane de La Faverie as its next President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and member of the Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2025.
As Executive Group President at Estée Lauder, Stéphane de La Faverie oversees a diverse portfolio of iconic and growing brands. His portfolio includes brands such as Estée Lauder, as well as innovative brands such as The Ordinary and Le Labo.
🎓 A 25-year career in prestige beauty
With over 25 years' experience in the industry, Stéphane de La Faverie is recognized for his ability to build and lead global brands, thanks to a deep understanding of international markets and consumer dynamics.
Since joining Estée Lauder in 2011, he has always maintained a high standard of excellence and innovation, managing brands across channels and territories, while generating profits with speed and efficiency.
🤝 Inclusive and visionary leadership
Stéphane de La Faverie is appreciated in the industry for his inclusive and empathetic leadership style. He knows how to combine emotional inspiration, strong authenticity and strategic perspectives to foster sustainable growth. As a leader, he has built high-performance teams and positioned the brands he leads to meet changing consumer needs.
From 2016 to 2022, while at the helm of the Estée Lauder brand, Stéphane exploited new growth opportunities, highlighting flagship products, digital marketing strategies and innovative technologies, while targeting high-growth channels. This approach has enabled the brand to appeal to a diverse customer base, particularly in China, where it has become a leading brand. It has also strengthened the Group's fragrance portfolio at a key moment for this category, successfully navigating a rapidly changing sector.
✨ Brand integration and successful acquisitions
Stéphane has also played a key role in the expansion of smaller brands, notably overseeing the integration and development of The Ordinary, following Estée Lauder's acquisition of DECIEM . Thanks to his strategic vision, he has turned these brands into real growth engines for the company.
🚀 From KEDGE to the head of Estée Lauder
A 1998 graduate of KEDGE Business School's Grande École program, Stéphane de La Faverie embodies the school's values and illustrates KEDGE's ability to train world-class leaders.
With this appointment, Stéphane de La Faverie is ready to open a new chapter for Estée Lauder as CEO, drawing on his experience and vision to continue to make a portfolio of iconic brands shine.
The KEDGE community is delighted to see one of its graduates reach such heights in an internationally renowned group. Congratulations and best wishes for success!
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1 Comment
Jérôme BAILLEUL (BEM Programme Grande Ecole / ESC, 1999) 03 December 2024 à 15h48
Félicitations Stéphane !