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"Helping students, investing in the future" - Testimony of a committed graduate

What about you? Would you like to take a concrete step towards solidarity?

Testimonial from a committed graduate! 🌟

"As a KEDGE graduate, I remember all the opportunities offered during my studies. But for many, financial challenges can limit access to this education. To help a student focus on their future without pressure, through a social scholarship, I decided to make a donation to the KEDGE Foundation. I'm convinced that our alumni community has a role to play. If each of us contributes, even in a small way, it can have a huge impact.


Together, we can offer the next generation the opportunity to build their future. Every donation counts, and by joining forces, we can make THE difference. As the year draws to a close, I invite you all to join me in making a commitment to young people. Donations to the Foundation are, of course, tax-deductible. In concrete terms, we can deduct part of our donation from our taxes. It's a doubly beneficial way of supporting KEDGE students while optimizing our tax situation. So don't hesitate to join this solidarity movement!"


- Frédéric Cirier, graduate 2020 and donor to the KEDGE Business School Foundation


Take part in our next equal opportunity event: the Cérémonie des Réussites Solidaires!

🚀 You're invited: join in the spirit of solidarity!

Organized by the KEDGE Foundation and the school, this ceremony is much more than a simple event. It's a unique opportunity to experience, alongside the KEDGE community, the impact of our collective commitment to inclusion, student support and equal opportunities. Thanks to the contributions of the KEDGE Alumni community - graduates and partners - scholarships are offered, entrepreneurial projects are launched, and quality study conditions become accessible to all.

Come and meet those who, thanks to your support, are realizing their ambitions despite the challenges.

Whether you're a donor, a mentor or simply curious about the Foundation's impact, this evening is open to all alumni wishing to see in concrete terms how each gesture strengthens our community and opens up new perspectives for students.

Dear KEDGE alumni, your presence counts! Come and celebrate with us the inspiring journeys of young talent and share your passion for mutual aid and success. 👇

📅 Date: Thursday, December 5, 2024
🕔 Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
📍 Location: Campus de Luminy - Marseille

Because together, we have the power to make a difference.

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