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When graduates set the tone of future programmes of KEDGE
On 7 December, KEDGE assembled several graduates to assist in the development of the MSc Marketing Digital & Sales programme, as well as the future MSc Marketing Digital & Data programme.
An assemblage of the best available minds to guide these programmes
Led by Marion Depont (Head of Employability & Recruiter Relations), Cédric Ghetty (Director of Digital Marketing & Sales Programme), and Philippe Amabile (Head of MSc Program), the committee of the new MSc Digital Marketing & Sales Programme chiefly draws on the expertise of professionals.
In fact, several business representatives, including many KEDGE graduates with notable careers, were present from the following companies:
Perféo – (Nicolas Chabert, President and KEDGE graduate) – Company specialising in Digital Marketing
Ornicar – (Benjamin Gaignault, CEO and KEDGE graduate) – On-line motoring school, uses digital reduce the cost of learning
Casino Groupe – (Stéphanie Giraud Audine, Marketing Strategy & Innovation Director for the Casino Leader Price brands and KEDGE graduate)
Degetel – (Georges Klenklé, Co-founder & Chief Operations Officer and KEDGE graduate) – Supporting digital transformation, France, Belgium, Portugal, SMAK, Mobile, IA, Cloud.
Alliance Gravity Data Media, (Fabien Magalon, Director and KEDGE graduate) - Online advertising, marketing campaign activation by combining data from various sources.
Danone – (Anne Bomo, Digital & Media Manager) Fresh Produce Division, luxury products (Danette, and kid’s products)
Oxatis – (Didier Mayeur, R & D Manager) - With 8500 clients, the company publishes and develops online shopping site creation solution via SaaS application.
The committee’s objectives
Above all, the objective of this meeting was to determine what will be the main direction the programme will take by identifying the evolution of the professional environment, as well as the requirements of the labour market. The idea was to clarify the main approaches of trade development, as well as skills and qualities needed for the exercise of trades. The professionals named above made recommendations that they consider useful to reinforce the relevance of the training, and that keep in line with the expectations of the profession.
The committee also took the opportunity to introduce the future MSc Marketing Digital & Data programme to this panel.
With five graduates among the seven stakeholders consulted, we are pleased to say that the school’s alumni network has provided valuable guidance as to the direction of this new programme. KEDGE Alumni is very pleased to see its members involved in the life of their old school.
Invaluable discussions for these programmes in keeping up with the times
SEO, SEM, CMS, Brand Content, Marketing Automation (AI, Blockchain), data, analytics ... these words may not tell you anything, but they are at the heart of marketing – both today and tomorrow - and which KEDGE aims to teach through these programmes. KEDGE will train digital professions such as UX Designer, Social Media Manager, Community Manager, e-commerce manager, data analyst, and digital marketing manager. However, participants are forewarned: "To succeed in this business, students need to understand that they will be learning and challenging themselves all the time, as the profession evolves very quickly."
The professionals who participated in this meeting were enthusiastic and approved the directions decided upon for these two programmes. Benjamin Gaignault, KEDGE alumnus and founder of the start-up Ornikar said, "To me, it's the perfect programme to set up a start-up in digital!"
As regards to the future of the MS Marketing Digital & Data
The MS programme will be taught in French and will not have an international dimension. Participants must have a Bac + 5 with a specific profile: "We are looking for intelligent and curious young people with desire and humility, and who know how to integrate into a structured and rigorous programme, whom we can turn into experts." The programme is scheduled to be launched in September 2019 at KEDGE’s Paris campus. A work-study is possible: one week in school / three weeks at a company.
The participants at our meeting are satisfied with the content of this programme, and have already expressed interest in the profiles of individuals who will come out of the programme. Fabien Magalon, Director of Gravity, explains, "We would be very interested to take these students in a work-study because it is exactly what we do here at Gravity". Didier Mayeur, R & D Manager at Oxatis said, "These profiles are extremely popular!"
Nicolas Chabert (President of Perféo and KEDGE graduate) thinks that "this programme is very suitable for companies and, as an agency, it corresponds completely to what you are looking for”, whether project manager in the making or junior customer manager. Seasoned managers who don’t have digital skills have failed, while those with strong expertise in management are the ones who have succeeded. "
Benjamin Gaignault believes that it is a pertinent programme, and even goes a little further: "This programme should be infused into other KEDGE programmes."
Anne Bomo (Digital & Media Manager at Danone) says that we should not neglect the feedback given by students after an internship or work-study programme. She explained, "My job is supposed to disappear within two years, because marketers will have to be adapt. Digital is inseparable from marketing”. The programme will have to evolve as the sector develops.
For more information on this future programme, you can contact
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