Kedger and founder of Aramisauto, the Number 1 French used car company
- Graduate News
- School news
KEDGE : a huge online employment forum for students and graduates
The Business Nursery is launching its call for projects via its new 100% digitised...
After a successful career, this Kedger has founded an eco-responsible event agency
These two kedgers create the Doctolib of mass distribution
This Kedger has created a brand of clothing that helps preserves the oceans!
You are nominated, you launch a project, a start-up?
Students of KEDGE, choose your mentor from one of 1300 alumni!
4th place for KEDGE in the Figaro Etudiant's ranking of the greenest schools
The French government is offering up to an 8,000€ subsidy for companies to recruit for...
Two Kedgers found a Marketing & Networking agency
This Kedger helps managers in the transformation of their profession.