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KEDGE Alumni for Impakt Network: In 2023, let's get it done!

Several hundred Alumni expressed their interest in response to our call for participation. After a co-construction phase, the Network has officially launched. Let's make it grow and make 2023 a milestone year - with the first initiatives to come!


Since 2021, KEDGE has been deploying its KEDGE IMPAKT strategy,y which sets out the school's commitments to train responsible managers and accelerate the ecological and social transition already underway.



In this spirit, the KEDGE Alumni for Impakt Network was launched in October 2022, bringing together the school's graduates who are already engaged in, or who want to get involved with the ecological and social transformation of organisations and sectors of activity.


Its objectives:

  • 🤝 Connect: Enable networking between Alumni... and increase our impact by fostering synergies!
  • 💡 Inspire: Provide space to share career backgrounds and experiences and showcase atypical trajectories... not only between our Alumni but also with our students!

With a eye to fundamental transformation, and not for mere show, the KEDGE Alumni for Impakt network will be directly associated with future developments at the school, particularly in terms of teaching methods and professional opportunities for students.


In this sense, and echoing the feedback you provided to us (details below), some of the initiatives being co-constructed in 2023 are: organisation events for our students (career days, business cases, hackathons, etc.), creation of thematic subcommittees (sustainable financing, decarbonization, social and solidarity economy, etc.), coaching and sharing of best practices to move towards impact careers, contribution to advocacy for the evolution of higher education, etc.

The Firist Step? Build the network

Let's work together and invite those who might be interested in joining  this network.

In detail: what you expect from the network

See the complete overview of the responses we received to our online questionnaires as well as the results from the focus groups held in November-December. Thank you again to everyone for these very fruitful contributions, which will guide the first months of the network and several initiatives to come!

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Discover KEDGE's commitments for 2023

To go further

Many of the school's Alumni contribute to, and are committed to, the ecological and social transformation of companies. Here are some testimonials we collected for 2022:

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