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Rematch, the start-up founded by two KEDGE graduates, raises 1.5 million euros!

Rematch expands its influence in the world of amateur sport and prepares to launch on the other side of the Atlantic

🔥 A successful year for Rematch

A dynamic and successful year for the Rematch start-up! This year, Rematch has :

  • 📱 Boosted its audience records for the 2023/2024 sports season
  • 🇺🇸 Represented French SportTech at CES Las Vegas in January
  • 📺 Participated in the TV show " Qui Veut Être Mon Associé " on M6 in February

Rematch co-founders Pierre Husson and Franck Si-Hassen announce a €1.5 million fundraising round. 👏

🌎 F undraising and a goal on the other side of the Atlantic

For the first time, this third investment round brings together investors of various nationalities, including: Intervalle Capital LLC (USA), CrowdCube Nominees Limited (UK, equity crowdfunding with over 360 international private investors), Rightbear Holding AB (Sweden). Bpifrance also reinforces this investment

What are Rematch's next ambitions after this round of financing?

  • 💪 Consolidate their position as the leading broadcaster of amateur sports highlights in France
  • 🇺🇸 Prepare for the launch of Rematch in the USA with their investor Intervalle Capital

💬 " This is a crucial step for Rematch. Amateur sport deserves to be put in the spotlight and find additional resources thanks to digital... and not just in France! When you think back to how far we've come since 2017... None of this would have been possible without our team of enthusiasts. A big thank you, for the enthusiasm and confidence, to our new and historic shareholders, as well as to Bpifrance for its immense support."

Pierre Husson, CEO and co-founder of Rematch

About Rematch :

Rematch is the #1 social video network for amateur sports in France.

Today :

🎥 More than 2 million videos have been uploaded to the platform since launch

👀 They have generated over 300M views

🤝 Rematch is a partner of 6 federations (including the French Football Federation)

✨ Decathlon, Unibet and Saint-Gobain became customer sponsors of the start-up.

Jean-Pierre Papin, Ballon d'Or 1991, has been a Rematch ambassador and associate since 2018.

Olivier Giroud (soccer), Alexandra Lacrabère (handball), Diandra Tchatchouang (basketball), Lucas Tauzin (rugby)... subsequently became volunteer Rematch ambassadors.

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