Class of 1984: 40 years on, a reunion full of memories...
In order to meet the expectations of our graduates and students, we have put in place a service designed specifically for executive managers, which available either face-to-face or via video conferencing, and will help you find answers to your managerial and professional issues.
Individual Coaching for Executive Managers
Professional coaching can be useful in many cases, such as:
- Internal mobility : a promotion has put you at the head of a team, but you don’t feel comfortable in the role of a manager. You want to have some coaching to help you thrive in this position.
- Induction : taking a job can be a sensitive and difficult time for a manager. You want to be trained and receive guidance to succeed.
- Change management : your business is in a rapidly changing environment, must innovate to compete with its competitors, or your company has merged with another entity, ....
Individual workshop: "Executive Outplacement "
This training programme has two stages :
- The first is dedicated to your operational excellence. By the end of this stage, you will better know your capacities and what room you have to manoeuvre. You will have made the most of the lessons of your professional experience, both your successes and failures, and better know your method of working and to what point you can count on yourself.
- The second is intended to define your professional objectives. You will then be in a position to decide on your positioning (job functions, sector, job pool) and will be able to target your next career step as precisely as possible. It isn’t just a matter of identifying the title and responsibilities of your next position, but most of all you will get first-hand experience in the field as to whether this objective seems is achievable, and whether the reality of its daily functions corresponds with what you really want.
This 14-hour training programme consists of :
- One opening session and one closing session of 2 hours each.
- Five 2-hour coaching sessions, either face-to-face or by telephone, every one to two weeks depending upon your pace of progress.
- Preparatory work and e-learning modules done in advance of these individual meetings in order to maximise their effectiveness
The professional co-development workshops bring together a group of persons who will share their professional challenges, learn together, and cultivate a “collective intelligence” through a 6-step process based on talking, listening, reflection, and taking action.
This collective intelligence in motion will generate insights, ideas, as well as concrete solutions. Most of the issues addressed will "resonate" to everyone, and the contributions of peers are almost always useful in one way or another. Everyone relies on their own experience, but also on their own genuineness and desire to share.
- Find novel solutions to professional challenges
- Learn the art of questioning
- Share between peers
- Develop the essential human skills needed for the 21st century through the 5 Cs - Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Crafting Alignment of the Mind and Body
There are no pre-requisites to attend this workshop other than to respect the rules of collective intelligence: CARE, SHARE, DARE
- Speak with intention
- Listen with attention
- Agree to trust each other first and foremost
- Grant others the right to learn
- Respect the programme structure
How does it work?
A co-development group consists of five to eight participants who meet for 2 hours. In preparation for the meeting, each participant will be ready to present an issue faced by his or her current profession, the subject of which he or she would like to discuss with his or her colleague, such as how to streamline a transformation, accelerate the implementation of a strategy, stimulate collective intelligence, animate governance, consider professional mobility, make a difficult decision, etc.
The session is broken into six steps:
- the presentation
- clarification (or the art of questioning)
- the consulting contracts
- feedback, ideas, advice, and success stories
- the action plan
- what was learned
The session will be led by a coach. One of the participants, whose problem has been chosen by a vote of the other participants, will play the role of a “client” and will present the situation. His or her colleagues will play the role of "consultants" who will provide the “client” with their insights, which will take two forms: questions and recommendations.
At the end, the things learned as to relationships and behaviours during the workshop will be emphasised rather than on the substance of the subject that was chosen to address.
- This workshop consists of five 2-hour sessions (10 hours of coaching total)
- For organisational reasons, only the date of the first session has been fixed; subsequent dates will be fixed at the first session taking into account the participant’s respective schedules
- You can receive coaching in either French, English, or Spanish
- The sessions take place on the Paris campus
Hervé is a business-leader coach with solid senior executive experience in the industry, telecoms, and NGOs. Trilingual (French, Spanish, English), Hervé has worked with over thirty nationalities coming from the four continents in VUCA contexts (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). Passionate about the industry of the future and sustainable development, Hervé is dedicated to supporting each and every one in developing their potential and with providing organisations a framework to create the trust that is conducive to the association of minds.
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