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KEDGE graduates: join our incubator now!

With over 1,250 startups supported since its creation, KEDGE Entrepreneurship is launching its new call for projects.

🚀 Call for projects: from September 2 to October 13, 2024

You've already launched your startup and are ready to move up a gear? Whether you want to accelerate your growth, raise funds, or strengthen your market position, KEDGE Entrepreneurship is here to support you. Don't miss this opportunity: apply between September 2 and October 13, 2024 to join one of our support programs dedicated to startups seeking growth.

Are you still in the project or launch phase? If you have a promising idea and need support to bring it to fruition and launch your product or service on the market, we also have a program specially designed for you.

🌟 3 programs, tailored to each stage of your company's growth:

🔥 Why join the KEDGE Entrepreneurship incubator?

  • 💼Offices in 3 cities: Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille! Ideal for working in a stimulating, dynamic environment!
  • 🤝 Privileged support with coaches, experts and mentors to advise you throughout your career: process, legal, marketing, finance, HR ... You're not alone!
  • 🧑‍💻 Tools and resources at preferential rates: AWS, Hubspot, Microsoft for Startups, Qonto, Stripe, Airtable, and many others, to help you organize and manage your business!
  • 💳 Access to exclusive financing solutions and an ecosystem of corporate partners (law firms, chartered accountants, financing consultants), institutional partners and financiers.

Last but not least, you'll be part of an active and committed community of entrepreneurs! ✨

🤝 KEDGE graduates, and they put their trust in KEDGE Entrepreneurship

Join the incubator!

✨ Webinar: How to join the KEDGE Entrepreneurship incubator?

Take part in our information webinars!

KEDGE Entrepreneurship invites you to take part in a series of webinars: from the application process to the advantages of each program, including tips for maximizing your chances of success, come and ask all your questions!

  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 1pm to 2pm, by videoconference
  • Tuesday, September 24,2024, 1pm to 2pm, by videoconference
  • Tuesday, october 8, 2024, from 1pm to 2pm, by videoconference

Each session will be hosted by the KEDGE Entrepreneurship team, with an expert coach or former incubatee on hand to share their experience and answer any questions you may have. These webinars are the ideal opportunity to find out in detail how to join our incubator and meet the team who will support you in the development of your project.

To make sure you don't miss any news, join KEDGE Entrepreneurship on social networks: LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.

Your contact on the Paris campus :

Paul Weill, incubator manager Paris & KEDGE Business Angels

Your contact on the Marseille campus :

Myriem Ziani, Marseille Incubator Manager

Your contact on the Bordeaux campus :

Julien Dupont, Incubator and Development Manager

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