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Thaïs le Cam, graduate, sailing enthusiast and co-founder of Frérots Sailing!

Discover the inspiring story of kedgeuse Thaïs le Cam and her entrepreneurial and sporting adventure!

🌎 The starting point for an international adventure

Thaïs Le Cam joined KEDGE Business School in 2013, just as the school was beginning a new chapter in its history with the merger of BEM and Euromed. On the Bordeaux campus, she followed the EBP International program, a course that immersed her in the world of management in an international context.

🏄🏽‍♀️ Her years at KEDGE were marked by active participation in community life, notably with Wax'It and the Kedge Sailing Team. After a year and a half in Bordeaux, Thaïs went on to do a double degree at Hull University in the UK. There, she honed her management skills through various internships, including one in event organization in Lausanne for the New York-Vendée, and another for skateboard brand TomiKaa in Buenos Aires.

Finally, Thaïs rounded off her academic career with an MSc in International Sport & Event Management on the Marseille campus. This experience not only strengthened her skills, but also enabled her to specialize in her preferred field: sports event organization.

🚀 KEDGE, a springboard to an exciting career

Thaïs credits her time at KEDGE with playing a crucial role in shaping her career. The variety of courses, as well as the encounters and opportunities, enabled her to discover her true aspirations. After graduating, she joined prestigious sports organizations such as the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) and Peter Auto, where she was able to assume a position of responsibility. 🏎️

Today, Thaïs is an entrepreneur, serving her passion for ocean racing. This career path, although shaped by her own choices and decisions, was greatly facilitated by the skills she acquired at KEDGE, notably in budgeting, management and communication.

⛵️ Frérots Sailing: a collective challenge from three enthusiasts!

Frérots Sailing was born of the friendship of three sailing enthusiasts who shared the dream of taking part in the Mini Transat, a single-handed transatlantic race. Rather than pursue this dream on their own, they decided to combine their skills, knowledge and financial resources to create a joint project. For the past three years, Thaïs and her teammates have been working hand in hand to move this project forward. Although she specializes in project management and partnership development, Thaïs has also immersed herself in the technical and sporting aspects of sailing.

Her daily routine is far from routine, punctuated by races, boat repairs and training sessions. Added to this are administrative tasks, communication and financial management. The life of an entrepreneur and ocean racer is demanding, but it's this diversity that enthralls Thaïs. 🌊✨

👀 What next?

Next year, Thaïs is gearing up for another season of the French Single-handed Offshore Racing Championship in the Mini 6.50 class. However, she has no intention of stopping there. Her dream is to take part in iconic races like the Transat Jacques Vabre and the Route du Rhum in Class40. 🌟

Currently, the Frérots Sailing team is looking for partners to accompany them on this new adventure, with an ambitious four-year sailing program. 👀

💬 Any advice for KEDGE graduates?

Thaïs Le Cam, a true adventurer in life, shares an inspiring quote from Paulo Coelho with KEDGE graduates and students:

"There are two things that prevent a person from realizing their dreams: believing they are unattainable, or, when the wheel of fate turns unexpectedly, seeing them turn into a possibility when you least expect it."

Her message is simple: believe in yourself and don't let obstacles distract you from your dreams! 🌟

⛵️🎙️ Join us on November 19 for a unique and inspiring conference with Thaïs Le Cam!

At just 29, Thais has already conquered the waves and the heights of sports events!

⚓ Tuesday, November 19, 2024,5:30 pm to 6:45 pm

📱 Find Frérots Sailing on their social networks:

Instagram : @frerots.sailing

LinkedIn : Frérots Sailing - Jeune écurie de course au large

Facebook : Frérots Sailing

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