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USA - Chicago

Today, KEDGE Business School has more than 74,000 alumni on all 5 continents. Our mission: to stimulate and energise the network anywhere our alumni are located through professional clubs and branches abroad. 

USA - Chicago


The Branch in Chicago is led by a volunteer alumni. The Branch aims to enable alumni and students to meet regularly during after work events, visits, or other casual events.

Branch Objectives

The Branch's main objective is to enable alumni to meet, expand their network, share experiences and have a good time.

Organizers / Managers

  • Sophia EL KORCHI (2014) - Manager

    Jeune diplômée, dynamique et motivée. Compétences en marketing, communication, gestion de projet. Intérêt pour le web, e-commerce, médias. Sérieux, autonomie, polyvalence, esprit d'équipe, capacités rédactionnelles, analyse et synthèse. Trilingue français-anglais-arabe.
