Afterwork in Tokyo
Attention Alumni in Japan! Our local branch, hosted by Miléna Osika, as organised another social for the Kedgers of Japan on Wednesday, 15 May. Meet at Izakaya TAKEKO, which is the restaurant acclaimed by the Kedgers who...
Today, KEDGE Business School has more than 74,000 alumni on all 5 continents. Our mission: to stimulate and energise the network anywhere our alumni are located through professional clubs and branches abroad.
Attention Alumni in Japan! Our local branch, hosted by Miléna Osika, as organised another social for the Kedgers of Japan on Wednesday, 15 May. Meet at Izakaya TAKEKO, which is the restaurant acclaimed by the Kedgers who...
Attention Alumni of Tokyo! Our local host, Miléna Osika, invites Kedgers to get back together for a casual social for the start of 2019. Miléna has chosen a Japanese restaurant this time. The meet-up will be held at ...
Attention Tokyo Alumni! Miléna Osika, host of our local branch, has organised an Afterwork for Kedgers in Tokyo on 27 September, beginning at 7:00 p.m. This relaxed evening will be held in the pleasant environment of Monsoon...
Special event organised by Miléna Osika, the manager of the Alumni branch in Tokyo 3 Kedge students are traveling throughout Asia as part of a "pro-act nomad" adventure, to meet expat alumni and showcase the Kedge network...
The Tokyo branch was launched on July 6th of this year, thanks to Miléna OSIKA, class of 2013, who is very enthusiastic about bringing together Kedge Alumni in the Japanese capital Miléna has organised a new meet-up ...
KEDGE Alumni have their branch in Tokyo! Miléna OSIKA, ESC alumni, class of 2013 The creator and manager of the Tokyo branchis pleased to invite all KEDGE Alumni in Tokyo to celebrate the launch of the branch Thursday, July...