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Network Charter 5:16 PM 4/26/2023

The professional network of KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL students and graduates (hereinafter the "Network") is run by the KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL ASSOCIATION.professional integration and mobility of graduates by putting them in contact with each other and with partner companies, and to enable them to remain in contact with their school.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this charter is to set the general conditions of use of the services offered on the Internet ite of the
www.kedgebs-alumni.comNetwork (hereinafter the "Site") by its members.

The Site offers to its members :

  • an e-mail address service (address allowing the redirection of e-mail to a personal address, without storage space allocation) reserved for graduates and students
  • a directory of graduates and students
  • a job offer service,
  • information and news services (newsletters, events, agenda, etc...),
  • services related to the professional careers of graduates,
  • the possibility of organizing groups and surveys, under specific additional conditions specified below.

The KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL Group Association (hereinafter "KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL") provides these services and tools according to the conditions of use described below. When certain services are subject to specific conditions of use, information notices appear on the home pages of the services concerned which members are invited to accept.

KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL technically ensures, directly or indirectly, the hosting of the services and the provision of the tools proposed on the Site. Each member of the Network is responsible for the use he/she makes of it and the information or messages he/she disseminates.

You use the
www.kedgebs-alumni. com site under your sole and entire responsibility. KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, such as, in particular, material damage, loss of data or programs, financial damage, resulting from the use of this site or sites linked to it.

2. Conditions of registration and access to the Network and the Site

The Network and the Site are not freely accessible. Access is reserved to members of the Network, having accepted the present charter, and having a login and a password.

The persons entitled to be members of the Network and to access the Site are, on the one hand, the students and graduates of KEDGE BUSINESS programs and, on the other hand, the representatives of partner companies, authorized bythose companies to post job offers.

The members of the network undertake to provide truthful information at the time of their registration and to update it in case of change. They will be regularly asked to do so by KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL.

Network members have a login and a password. The password is personal and confidential. Each member of the Network is responsible for the use of his or her password and agrees not to divulge it in any way.

Access to and use of the Website implies full and complete acceptance of this charter.

3. Personal data concerning the members of the Network

The privacy policy can be found at

4. Circulation of messages within the Network

Network members agree that the content of their messages will not violate in any way:

  • the rights of individuals and property,
  • the laws and regulations in force in France, in its country of residence or in the country where its data may be sent,
  • and does not contain any viruses or programs that may cause damage.

They undertake not to transmit any messages or data that are illicit, defamatory, threatening or offensive to public decency. The transmission of any unsolicited message of canvassing, advertising or commercial nature or issued for political, trade union or religious purposes is prohibited.

Network members shall refrain from sending mass e-mails to other members of the Network. They undertake to respect the image and reputation of KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL and not to make any statements or take any action that could harm them.

Non-compliance with these rules will result in the removal from the Network of the member who is the author of the litigious message(s) and may be subject to legal action by KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL.

5. Job offers

Any member of the Network who has the possibility of posting or transmitting a job offer undertakes not to use prohibited or discriminatory criteria. In particular, offers are forbidden if access to them is conditioned by the following criteria

  • origin,
  • gender,
  • morals,
  • pregnancy,
  • family status,
  • race, ethnicity or nation,
  • political opinions,
  • union or mutualist activities,
  • religious beliefs,
  • state of health,
  • disability,
  • sexual orientation,
  • age,
  • physical appearance,
  • family name,
  • genetic characteristics.

(Art. L 1132-1, L 1142-1, L 5531-2 of the Labour Code)

6. Non-respect of the charter

KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL reserves the right to remove from the Network any member who has not respected one of the clauses of this charter. In this case, the member's access to the Site shall be terminated automatically and without delay, after KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL has sent a reasoned message.

7. Modification of the present charter
The present charter may be modified unilaterally by KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL, in particular to comply with new legal or regulatory provisions. It shall inform the members of the Network by publication on the Site or by sending a message to the members by means of a mailing list.

Any new access to the Network by a member following the distribution of the modified charter is deemed to be acceptance of this one by the member.

8. Intellectual Property

The Site and each of its components (such as brands, logos, databases, images, texts, photographs, etc.), including the software elements necessary for the functioning of the Site as well as the databases, are the exclusive property of KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL.

Any reproduction, representation, adaptation (and in particular translation) or, in general, any use of the Site and its contents, whether total or partial, is strictly forbidden, except with the prior written authorization of KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Any infringement will constitute an act of counterfeiting and/or unfair competition exposing its author to civil and/or penal sanctions.

In particular, the databases created within the framework of the Network are eligible for the protection conferred by Books I and III of the Intellectual Property Code. Any person who creates a file or a database from all or part of the Network data accessible on the Site and who makes it available to a third party, either free of charge or for a fee, without the agreement of KEDGE BUSINESS.Any person who creates a file or a database from all or part of the data of the Network accessible on the Site and who makes it available to a third party, on an unpaid or free basis, without the agreement of KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL and in violation of the present charter, will be exposed to civil and/or penal sanctions as provided for in the Code of Intellectual Property.

9. Disputes

The present charter is governed by French law. Any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation or execution of this charter and after failure of any conciliation, will be submitted to the competent courts.

Any dispute arising within the framework of the present charter may be submitted to consumer mediation, at the request of the individual Network member. However, the member remains free to accept or refuse recourse to consumer mediation.

In the event that the Network member, as a natural person, wishes to have recourse to mediation in the field of consumption, he/she must address his/her complaint toKEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL in writing, at the address (KEDGE BS, 680, cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence cedex - France) or by email, at the address( KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL will endeavour to reply as soon as possible.

If the dispute is not resolved, the individual Network member may, within one year of his or her complaint to KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL and free of charge, resort to the mediation of the MEDIATION-NET Association (mediator for private educational institutions) (Address: KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL).s de KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL and free of charge, to resort to the mediation of the MEDIATION-NET Association (mediator for private educational establishments) (Address: MEDIATION-NET Consommation, 3 rue des Morillons, 75015 Paris 2; email:; online referral form: The MEDIATION-NET Association is a neutral, impartial and independent third party of KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL.

The solution proposed by the mediator shall not be binding on the Parties, who shall remain free to submit their dispute to the competent courts