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KEDGE Alumni for Impakt! 🌿

Since October 2022, the KEDGE Alumni for Impakt network has been in existence, with the aim of federating a community of KEDGE Alumni who already contribute or wish to contribute to the ecological and social transformation of organizations and sectors of activity.or wish to contribute to the ecological and social transformation of organizations and business sectors.

Its objectives:

🤝 Gather: Enable networking between alumni... and increase our impact by fostering synergies!

💡 Inspire : Share experiences and careers, and showcase singular trajectories... not only among alumni, but also with our students!

Get involved with students, the network and the school

Having attended KEDGE, many of you would like to keep in touch with us.

Support our students

Propose internship/ternship offers
Become a member of graduation juries
Become a guest speaker
Work with associations

Support the network

Become an expert relay
Run a branch
Submit job offers
Organize a conference or prom
Become a business angle

Support your school

Become a partner
Initiate a chair
Pay the apprenticeship tax
Support the Foundation
Initiate a chair

Get involved with students Get involved with the network

Get involved with the school

Get involved with students, the network and the school

Having attended KEDGE, many of you would like to keep in touch with us.

Support our students

Propose internship/ternship offers
Become a member of graduation juries
Become a guest speaker
Work with associations

Support the network

Become an expert relay
Run a branch
Submit job offers
Organize a conference or prom
Become a business angle

Support your school

Become a partner
Initiate a chair
Pay the apprenticeship tax
Support the Foundation
Initiate a chair

Get involved with students Get involved with the network

Get involved with the school

The projects of committed graduates! ✨

Guide: Starting a career in impact from A to Z: 26 portraits of committed alumni

Many thanks to the 26 KEDGE alumni who answered our questions, all of whom have chosen to place "impact" at the heart of their professional activity.

Voluntarily short and non-exhaustive, this guide aims to give an overview of a diversity of possible paths - through personal testimonials, embodying the plurality of everyday missions and projects covered by the same "impact job" formula. We hope that these paths will inspire you to find your own!

Guide: Starting a career in impact from A to Z: 26 portraits of committed alumni

Many thanks to the 26 KEDGE alumni who answered our questions, all of whom have chosen to place "impact" at the heart of their professional activity.

Voluntarily short and non-exhaustive, this guide aims to give an overview of a diversity of possible paths - through personal testimonials, embodying the plurality of everyday missions and projects covered by the same "impact job" formula. We hope that these paths will inspire you to find your own!

Guide: Starting a career in impact from A to Z: 26 portraits of committed alumni

Many thanks to the 26 KEDGE alumni who answered our questions, all of whom have chosen to place "impact" at the heart of their professional activity.

Voluntarily short and non-exhaustive, this guide aims to give an overview of a diversity of possible paths - through personal testimonials, embodying the plurality of everyday missions and projects covered by the same "impact job" formula. We hope that these paths will inspire you to find your own!

KEDGE Alumni Podcast 🎧

Here, discover the inspiring testimonies of KEDGE Business School graduates who talk openly about their life and professional careers...

At the microphone, listen to :

🤝 Céline Parsoud, Diversity and Inclusion at Ubisoft

🌊 Clément Pourtal, Ocean Awareness and Protection

Find out more about the school's KEDGE Impakt strategy! 🌿

💡 Inspire: Enable the sharing of career paths and experiences, showcase singular trajectories. ..between alumni but also to our students!