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Wax It, KEDGE Bordeaux’s board sports association (since 2011)
If you attended KEDGE Bordeaux after 2011, you've obviously heard the name before! Zoom on Wax It, the student association focused on board sports!
A passion for board sports, since 2011
Weekends (Beach Weekend and Mountain Weekend). These weekends include beginners' courses in surfing as well as skiing or snowboarding.
Weekly outings aimed at introducing or getting students to practice snow sports (surfing, wakeboarding, skateboarding).
Internal school events (the PIMP evening with the student board, the Piste Rouge in collaboration with AOC)
The school's snow seminar (Frisky Dayz) takes place in January and includes, among other things, ski and snowboard initiations and competitions.
A national skateboarding big ramp contest (Le Grand Air) organised in Darwin.
The largest student surfing competition in France (After School Contest), and the Association’s most important event and intended for not only the school’s students, but also for external students.
Were you a member of Wax It and want more information? Let us know in your graduate file!
(all graduates and students have one: click here if you have forgotten your login details
Were you a member of Wax It? Take part in its events!
Wax It invites graduates to support and participate in its next two projects:
Grand Air (28 Mars 2020 in Bordeaux)
Grand Air is one of the largest ramp competitions in Europe. It takes the form of an International Open, meaning that the results are counted towards the French championship. The event takes place in the Darwin area, a renovated military barracks with a mixed programme based on eco-responsibility. Our goal is for it to be zero-waste. The competition features international skaters for a show that has never been seen before in France. Stands, concerts, and presentations will be set up through our partners allowing us to offer visitors a unique experience.
After School Contest (21 and 24 May 2020)
After School Contest (ASC) is the largest student surfing competition in France. 700 students meet in Seignosse for four days around two events: The TAG TEAM by Hurricane and the Sport Games Contest. The surfing competition is ASC's guideline which gives rhythm to students' lives through the creation of an eco-responsible village and presentations linked to the values of the association. Stands raising awareness around these issues are set up at the events. The students' days are punctuated by surfing lessons, introductions to skateboarding on mini ramps, yoga classes, and presentations. In the evening, students get to enjoy an international DJ set.
Follow Wax It on social networks:
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1 Comment
Martin BLANC (KEDGE BS PGE - Programme Grande Ecole / ESC, 2022) 27 February 2020 à 12h59
Merci pour cet article !