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Two KEDGE graduates succeed each other at the helm of ID Logistics France

Did you know that two KEDGE Business School graduates have successively held the position of Managing Director France at ID Logistics, one of the world leaders in contract logistics? A great success story that highlights the talent and dedication of our g

🌟 Emmanuel Vexlard and Frédéric Grenier, exceptional careers

Emmanuel Vexlard (ISLI 1999) made his mark as Managing Director France before becoming Group Executive Vice President Operations. A visionary leader, he has managed large-scale projects and contributed to the company's international development.

Frédéric Grenier (EBP 1999 and ISLI 2000), meanwhile, has taken up the torch with brio. Drawing on his varied supply chain experience, he brings a new dynamic to the job, while consolidating what has already been achieved. Together, they embody the success and expertise that KEDGE strives to pass on to its students.

But that's not all! ID Logistics now employs more than 30 KEDGE staff, and some 60 alumni have built part of their careers here. These figures testify to the strong bond between our school and this innovative company. 💼

🤝 A fruitful collaboration with KEDGE

Since 2020, ID Logistics and KEDGE have partnered to raise the company's profile among our students and alumni. This partnership includes a variety of actions: participation in career days such as My Way, recruitment forums, mock interviews, and innovation challenges open to our students. These initiatives bring young talent closer to this renowned company.

The company also supports supply chain research through collaborations with KEDGE's Centre of Excellence in Supply Chain. In addition, it has signed the Charte Éthique Partenariale, affirming its commitment to CSR. An annual scholarship has even been created to support students with disabilities or specializing in supply chain, a gesture that reflects strong human values. 🎓

🚀 Upcoming celebrations

This partnership will be celebrated on January 15, 2025 on the Paris campus with the inauguration of a plaque valuing ID Logistics as a patron of the school. A key moment that will highlight the strong ties between our institution and this dynamic company. Other promising initiatives are also planned, such as the integration of student missions as part of the ISLI MSc from 2026.

This exemplary collaboration between KEDGE and ID Logistics underlines just how strong our alumni network really is. Well done to Emmanuel Vexlard, Frédéric Grenier and all the Kedgers who shine at ID Logistics! 🌍✨

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