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Three KEDGE graduates co-found JAFHT, the start-up that's revolutionizing your urban tours!

Explore, visit, run! Enjoy guided tours in short strides, with JAFHT, the start-up co-founded by three kedgers!

🎓 JAFHT: an innovative start-up launched by three KEDGE graduates

🤝 KEDGE graduates Alexis Dessaud, Theo Mancon, and Florian Turcon have joined forces with a fourth founder Hugo Dessaud, to create JAFHT ! A revolutionary company that redefines urban sightseeing through guided walking tours. This initiative blends sport, cultural discovery and conviviality, responding to a growing demand forenriching, eco-responsibleexperiences. 🏃🌿

🎓 Alexis Dessaud, a graduate of the PGE class of 2018, first joined DIAC, now Mobilize Financial Services, where he rose through the ranks to become Regional Manager. His diverse experience, including an internship at Stanley Black & Decker and a work-study program at Airbus Helicopters, gave him the skills he needed to co-found JAFHT. Alexis emphasizes that KEDGE, with its à la carte courses and "Learning by Doing" experience, has played a crucial role in his personal and professional development. Associative life has also given him a great deal, from being president of the BDE, to the opportunity to become General Manager and Project Manager of the Admissibles Team in 2016. 🚀

Theo Mancon, a recent graduate of the IBBA program, was able to develop his entrepreneurial side throughout his studies . Theo spent two years in the United States obtaining a double degree with the American school, while working as a Continuous Improvement consultant. His varied experiences and his role as editor-in-chief at Citadingue strengthened his entrepreneurial spirit. For him, KEDGE has been fertile ground for developing his skills in business and entrepreneurship. 🚀

Florian Turcon, a 2016 graduate of the MSc International Business, pursued an international career, first via a VIE at Schneider Electric's software subsidiary AVEVA in the United Kingdom, where he became Account Manager. Florian praises the quality of the KEDGE network, in terms of alumni, lecturers and external relations with companies. His experience in project management and B2B sales strategy is now a major asset for JAFHT. 🚀

These young entrepreneurs have drawn on their diverse experience and skills to launch JAFHT. Alexis, Theo and Florian agree that the school provided them not only with the necessary theoretical knowledge, but also with a solid network and invaluable opportunities. The associative projects, internships and international experiences have been springboards for their entrepreneurial journey. ✨

🏃 Explore, visit, run! JAFHT, revolutionizing urban discovery

JAFHT, a dynamic young company launched a year ago, is redefining urban tours with its guided walking tours. At a time when digital connectivity can isolate, JAFHT offers an immersive experience that encourages encounters and social interaction while exploring the hidden secrets of cities. Far from the prevailing sedentary lifestyle, JAFHTtransforms the simple stroll into a fun and invigorating moment, encouraging regular physical activity while preserving the environment. By opting to visit on foot rather than by public transport, participants reduce their carbon footprint while discovering a city in an authentic way. JAFHT's passionate team of young entrepreneurs skilfully juggle offer creation, website development, accounting and sales canvassing. This agility enables them to keep the project moving forward while offering tailor-made experiences. 🤝 ✨

JAFHT's future looks bright: the company plans toexpand its horizons by developing its activities in several major French cities such as Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux and Lyon, before conquering major European cities and beyond. 🌍

Whether you're a seasoned runner looking to mix passion and culture, or a traveler seeking total immersion in France's iconic cities, JAFHT paves the way for unforgettable adventures. From the bustling streets of Marseille to majestic Paris, each route is designed to offer a plunge into the heart of the urban essence, while combining the energy of sport with the richness of culture. Discover JAFHT, where urban adventure meets sport and cultural discovery, for an out-of-the-ordinary exploration. 🌟

✨ Discover the new exclusive itinerary in Aix-en-Provence

This tour offers a complete immersion in the history of Aix, from its emblematic fountains to its must-see monuments, while keeping an eye on the little hidden details that you'll discover during your visit with JAFHT!

For Aix-en-Provence, we offer 2 routes;

  • Le Petit Calisson with a distance of 4.5 km for beginners
  • Le Grand Calisson with a distance of 6.5 km for the more athletic (same route as Le Petit Calisson with an extra loop to see more of Aix!).

💬 A ny advice for KEDGE graduates and students?

"If a project is close to your heart, work hard and believe in yourself. Failure is not an end in itself, but an apprenticeship on the road to success."

Theo Mancon

Find out more about JAFHT :

Instagram: jafht.official

Tiktok: Jafht.official


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