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This Kedger is launching COSMOS energy – the drink that promises 4 hours of natural energy!
Alixio Guarino, a 2017 KEDGE graduate, has co-founded COSMOS energy – a healthy and delicious drink that puts 4 hours of natural energy in your pocket
1️⃣ To begin with, tell us about your educational background. What did you study, both before and at KEDGE?
I began doing a work-study from the first year of BTS NRC where I worked as a telephone advisor for ORANGE. I then continued on by getting a Bachelor in business development and marketing at GEM in a work-study at NEXTPOOL in a business export position. I was successfully accepted to KEDGE’s Master in Business Engineering. My employer (NEXTPOOL), reassured by the fact that I was accepted to a prestigious school like KEDGE, gave me a promotion to Export Manager.
2️⃣ Tell us what you did after your studies were finished. What positions have you held? What did you learn in those positions?
Right after I got my degree, I got a permanent position as an Export Manager at NEXTPOOL. I independently managed Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Poland, as well as Africa and the overseas territories. After a little less than 2 years of good and loyal service, my constant business trips abroad became more onerous and my interest in becoming an entrepreneur grew. I’ve signed a contractual termination agreement with NEXTPOOL that will take effect on 31 March.
3️⃣What are you doing/what is your situation today? What gave you the idea and desire to do what are you doing today?
I’m the son of an entrepreneur, which is why I’ve always been attracted by this philosophy. At the end of 2018, Léo Ravillion, a childhood friend, came to me to present a project he had been working on for a year and a half. The concept was an organic energy shot! In other words, it’s a concentrated energy drink based on properties of guarana and green Mate Yoruba that provides four hours of energy in a pocket format. So I decided to associate with this project and together we opened a simplified joint-stock company in May 2019. Now, six months later, we are launching our product as a pre-order campaign on Ulule through 19 December.
4️⃣What are your business goals for the future?
We are beginning the sales of our drinks to the general public (other than the pre-order sales) in the month of February. Our drinks will be available directly on our website and we will soon plan to develop in the Aix-Marseille metropolitan area in coffee shops, coworking spaces, sports halls, and shops, as well as certain organic stores.
5️⃣How did your education at KEDGE Business School help you become who you are today, and which of its courses helped you develop your project?
I acquired a lot of skills at KEDGE Business School that I apply daily in my work (logistics; negotiation, project management, etc). The courses taught me how to organise and structure my work to be more efficient.
6️⃣If you had to give advice to any KEDGE Alumnus or Alumna who would like to do something similar, what would it be?
My advice for those who are attracted to entrepreneurialism would be to acquire the key skills that you will need before you get started. You will save time and money on your first project.
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