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Getting involved with KEDGE: the keys to successful involvement

An essential pillar for KEDGE and its alumni community

As alumni, you are true ambassadors for KEDGE. You play a crucial role with students and contribute to the dynamism and influence of your school and its alumni network.

Would you like to get involved? Find outabout the different ways you can get involved!

📚 Graduates' commitment to students

Even after you've left the school benches, you continue to play an active and beneficial role for current students, which translates into a variety of concrete actions:

🎙️ Share your story and inspire our students!

🧭 Recruit our students for internships or work-study programs!

🪙 Contribute to the success of our students by making a donation!

The school's Foundation offers grants to students in difficulty, to help finance their living expenses and enable them totake a more relaxed approach to their studies.

📢 Speak at KEDGE BS!

✔️ Become a jury and select future kedgers!

👨‍🎓 Commitment to the KEDGE Alumni network

KEDGE graduates form a dynamic and influential network, whose animation is essential to maintain strong links between its members. Forms of involvement include :

🎉 Take part in KEDGE Alumni network events!

🗞️ Recruit our graduates on permanent/temporary/permanent contracts!

🎤 Animate an antenna!

📈 Become a Business Angel!

🏫 Direct support at school

Alumni involvement is not limited to students and the network; it also includes direct, strategic support for the school itself:

💰 Pay your apprenticeship tax!

🔎 Initiate a research chair!

🚀 Incubate your start-up at KEDGE!

🎓 Reform yourself with KEDGE!

🤝 Become a KEDGE partner!

📢 Promote KEDGE!

In conclusion, the commitment of KEDGE graduates is fundamental to the school's development and influence. Whether supporting students, animating the alumni network or contributing directly to the institution, each action strengthens the links between students, graduates and their school, while promoting a dynamic and innovative image of KEDGE.

T👏 Congratulations and thanks to the 30 most committed 2024 graduates!

Kedge Alumni unveils its TOP 30 most committed kedgers!

Time to take stock of the school year! ⏰ KEDGE ALUMNI is proud of you, of supporting you throughout the year, and we're grateful for your support. This year, more than 57,000 graduates interact with the school in one way or another - that's nearly 70% of the network interacting with the school. 👏 TH...


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