Searching for a job differently: winning strategies and...

Recruitment Forum for recent KEDGE graduates in Paris
KEDGE BS Alumni is there to help you find your first job. You have access to many different services to help you enter the job market and expand your network and for the past two years we have organised a special Career Forum specifically for M2 students and recent graduates (less than three years).
Every year, KEDGE BS Alumni organises a recruitment event in Paris for recent graduates (0 to 3 years of experience) and for students graduating in June.
On Thursday, June 22, KEDGE Business School Alumni has organised a special event mixing recruitment, professional meetings, and conviviality: The Talent Soirée.
Meet representatives of companies currently hiring!
This event is a great opportunity to meet several recruiters in a short amount of time.
A few days before the event, you will receive the job offers to which you can apply. The recruiters will conduct an initial selection and then you will have a 15 minute interview.
- In order to register, you must send a 30€ deposit made out to KEDGE BS ALUMNI (once we have received your check, our team will confirm your registration). Please mail your check to KEDGE BS ALUMNI, 680 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence cedex. Your check will be returned to you:
- If you do not obtain an interview the day of the Forum, Si vous ne décrochez aucun entretien pour le jour du forum,
- If you obtain an interview the day of the Forum, your check will be returned to you the day of the event after your interviews
- If you fail to show up to your interview, your check will be cashed, unless you cancel 48h before the event.
- Apply to the job offers you are interested in
- The companies will select the candidates they would like to interview
- Meet the companies the day of the event: 15 minute interviews (you will receive your schedule before the event).
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