Searching for a job differently: winning strategies and...

Premier screening of this Kedger’s film at the Grand Rex in January.
Freshly graduated from KEDGE, Pierre X. Garnier directed his first feature film about Indian superstar choreographer Terence Lewis.
Pierre X. Garnier started at KEDGE in L3 GEP after two years of taking prep classes in Rennes. "After my L3, I completed my two-year Master's degree in Paris at a consulting firm called Ayming. I was in charge of B to B marketing projects.” Passionate about moving pictures, Pierre worked on the 7ème Lune (7th Moon) project in parallel with his studies, which is none other than the Rennes International Film Festival that he created 7 years ago. He finished school in July 2018 after spending his final semester (that he described as "fabulous") doing an Erasmus in Salamanca, Spain.
"The education I received at KEDGE helped me completely understand what I wanted to do with my life, which was to become a film producer. What’s more, the subjects in entrepreneurism helped me acquire a discipline in project management that I didn’t have, as did my two years of work experience in Paris. In addition to the academic side, I made many friends with whom I’m still in contact today.
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An audacious project, a crucial meeting
"I’d wanted to do something rather audacious for a while, which was to shoot my first film in India, a country I had already visited twice, and with which I had fallen in love.” His project also arose out of a meeting. "When I was a waiter in a restaurant in Corsica in the summer of 2017, I met an Indian man named Terence Lewis, who very quickly became a friend.”
The least one can say about this man is that he is not just anyone. He is one of the greatest choreographers/dancers in India today, and is known by nearly a billion people there. "This man is a star unlike the others," explains Pierre, "because he has a totally fascinating and paradoxical personality".
Pierre's passion for films, and his desire to become a producer, led him to go to India with two friends who were technicians to make a feature-length documentary on Terence Lewis. When he arrived in India, Pierre came contacted Netflix, Amazon, Sony, who were very quickly interested in this film. "Individually and professionally, the three months of shooting were incredible and intense, but were also challenging because of the frantic pace (for example, I had to take a plane 15 times in December)."
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