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Kedgers are helping young people with their #OrientationPostBac on LinkedIn
For several weeks now, the hashtag #OrientationPostBac has gone viral on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Are you a KEDGE graduate and want to take part? Don’t wait!
During this very strange period of confinement, career orientation for students has become even more complex than usual. Eligibility campaigns and campus visits have been cancelled, as have many of the oral exams in all schools in France. KEDGE has either been put in place or is developing, many initiatives to replace the usual approaches that help students form opinions and choose the best way forward.
Other initiatives come from social networks, such as the hashtag #OrientationPostBac, which is now widely circulated on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook.
📚 The #OrientationPostBac Concept
Because there are so many messages shared on social networks, it’s difficult to know where this hashtag started. However, the idea behind #OrientationPostBac is to let others know, on your personal profile, that you are offering to provide those young students who are considering taking a similar path as yours with assistance, experience, or advice. If you are a KEDGE graduate, you can volunteer with your network to highlight your professional background and describe what your time at school brought to you.
Here’s an example of a post published by one of our graduates on LinkedIn:
🎓 You can also offer your help by using the hashtag #OrientationPostBac
Are you a KEDGE graduate or student and want to help potential future young Kedgers? Then don't hesitate to join the movement, simply by posting this message (after having modified it to your own specifics of course):
This campaign is a great opportunity to spread the power and benevolence of the school’s network of graduates and students on social networking sites which, as we know, are formidable vectors of information.
Please feel free to tag the KEDGE Business School page so that we can be informed of your initiative, and share your fantastic school experiences (student associations, Pro-Act, travel on university exchanges and internships).
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