Searching for a job differently: winning strategies and...

Are you a KEDGE graduate living and working abroad and looking for new talent for internship positions within your company? Why not recruit a student from your former school? Now is the time to prioritise the network!
Remember when you were at KEDGE before you entered the world of work, you were looking for an internship, a VIE, or even your first job? So you know how crucial this search is for a student. Now’s the time to reach out to those who are sitting in the classrooms at your old school. Therefore, KEDGE Business School is calling on its graduates to help its students in their search, by giving them the opportunity to take part in its online International Recruitment Campaign!
How to take part in the online International Recruitment Campaign?
You can now submit offers to students, who will then have until 14 February to respond.
The earlier you submit your offers, the more likely you are to receive suitable applications. We will collect as many offers as possible before (by 29/01) sending them to the students, who will then contact you directly.
Attention: this forum is only relevant to offers abroad (outside France). If your offer concerns France, you can post it to KEDGE students here.
1) Register for the campaign
You can use your KEDGE Alumni account if you are a graduate, or your recruiter account if you already have one on the KEDGE Alumni webpage. If you don't have one, you'll be asked to create a new account. You'll then be asked to provide information that is essential for the operation to run smoothly.
2) Submit your offer(s) by 1 January
Once you have registered for the campaign, you will have the opportunity in the left column to submit one or more offers. This is where you have to share your opportunities so that students can quickly access them.
3) Receipt of applications as of 30 January
As soon as we have received all the offers, we will send them to those students looking for an internship, who can then respond to them. You will also be able to directly review the CVs of students who are looking, in case you would like to find profiles that interest you.
N.B. A “physical forum" will be held on the KEDGE campuses: 30 January in Marseille campus and 6 February in Bordeaux.
What are the profiles of the candidates who are seeking an internship? When should the internships take place?
Candidate profiles can vary a lot, as the campaign is open to students from our different programmes (purchasing, marketing, supply chain, wines and spirits, etc). The dates differ depending upon the programme.
Generalist Masters:
- M1 ESC Grande Ecole Programme: internship period between September and the end of August depending upon the course chosen by the student
- M2 ESC Grande Ecole Programme: available for young graduate employment from the end of June 2020.
- EBP international (5th year): from the end of May for a duration of 6 months
Specialist Programmes:
Masters 2: from the end of April for a duration of 4 to 6 months
- MSc International Sport & Event Management
- MSc International Trade & Logistics (Maritime)
- MSc Marketing & Brand Management
- MSc MIB (International Business)
- MSc Digital and Sales
- MSc Corporate and Sustainable Finance
- MS Auditing and Performance Management
- MAI: Purchasing & Innovation Management
- ISLI: Global Supply Chain Management
- Marketing: Marketing, Digital, Business Development
- International Business (MACI)
Masters 2: from the end of May for a duration of 4 to 6 months
- MVS: Wines and Spirits Management
Business Engineers:
- Licence 3: end April to end August (duration 3 months)
- Masters 1: from 21 May to 31 August
- Masters 2: from 20 June to 15 December
What is the remuneration for an intern?
In France, remuneration for interns is compulsory and is fixed at 3.90 euros per hour.
For positions located outside France local legislation applies. Nevertheless, for students at the end of their studies, there is a strong tendency for paid work, which remains variable depending on the country and the student's profile.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Contact Suzanne Pelletier if you have any questions:
+33 (0)5 56 84 22 80
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