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KEDGE releases 100K€ from its emergency fund for its students in very precarious situations.
The containment measures decreed by France and a large number of countries to combat the spread of the COVID 19 virus has hit some students very hard, placing them in very precarious situations overnight.
To face this unprecedented situation, KEDGE has decided to take exceptional action by releasing 100K€ from its emergency fund to be used exclusively for its students facing serious financial difficulties due to the health crisis.
Committed to the solidarity and well-being of its students, KEDGE has, for several years, had an emergency fund dedicated to its students in great distress. Normally gifted with 20K€ per year, the fund had been almost entirely used this year.
Thanks to the mobilisation and generosity of the Fondation KEDGE, the emergency fund was gifted with an additional 50K€. The School decided to follow this solidarity by matching the efforts of its Fondation euro-to-euro, thus providing an additional 50K€ to the emergency fund. As a consequence, 100K€ will be used to financially support KEDGE students who have found themselves in a very precarious situation due to the crisis.
Céline Claverie, Secretary-General of KEDGE
"The common good is one of our strategic pillars. It’s the DNA of KEDGE. Therefore, it seemed inconceivable for us to not take action to help our most disadvantaged students in the face of this unprecedented health and economic crisis."
KEDGE will study each student’s personal situation as a result of the Covid-19 crisis: cancellation of internship agreements, cancellation of student employment contracts, housing issues, financial difficulties encountered by funders, difficulties related to expatriation abroad, etc.
The team’s careful consideration of the social, financial, and familial situations of the students who apply will allow the timely granting aid to help the living conditions of KEDGE students during this period, as well as maintaining a close connection and providing individualised support.
With kindness and empathy, our Wellness teams (an assistance and moral support system for the School’s students) composed of salaried volunteers and psychologists are also ready to help students who are experiencing difficulties during this unprecedented period of confinement, including isolation, inactivity, anxiety, and adapting to student life, etc.
Following the decision of the President of the Republic to close the higher education institutions and implement a containment system, KEDGE immediately took the necessary measures to comply with its legal obligations and protect its students and employees. At the same time, it put in place a business plan to continue its activities.
The school has been closed to students since 16 March, and employees are on teleworking. Classes from Monday 16 to Saturday 21 March were cancelled so students could return to their place of confinement and the online availability of digital content could be finalised. The teaching staff, as well as the pedagogical and administrative teams, worked in telework on the digitisation of educational content for the students by strengthening and accelerating the already existing digitisation of educational content.
On Monday, 23 March, courses resumed as normal, however remotely via the distance learning platform usually used by the School, LEARN. This platform is used by professors to give their lectures, share materials with students, and answer their questions. This operation proved to be a great success - in one week, teachers have held no less than 5000 sessions courses.
More than 5,000 students each day have been able to “attend” the virtual school in satisfactory conditions. The teachers noticed that attendance has sometimes been greater than that of live classes. This giant step in the mastery of online courses has been achieved in two weeks! It’s also made it possible to revisit the teaching practices of our faculty. We’ve had high-quality discussions over video calls, professors and students contributing, sometimes going as far as having real "virtual happiness" moments.
Kedge débloque 100.000 euros pour ses élèves en situation de précarité
— 20 Minutes (@20Minutes) April 2, 2020
KEDGE releases 100,000 euros for its students in precarious situations
KEDGE prepared its Business Continuity Plan in anticipation of the evolution of the epidemic, which explains the success of this evolution. Not only the courses, but exams and graduation ceremonies have also been adapted to the exceptional circumstances that France and a large number of other countries are experiencing in order to limit the impact of the confinement measures on the paths of our students as much as possible.
Faced with this unprecedented crisis situation, the School is providing a global response that goes beyond the programming of distance education courses. It aims to coordinate its entire community, both on national and international levels, to ensure the smooth running of all aspects of student life and provide the best conditions for the follow-up of our students' studies during our establishment’s closure, while giving absolute priority to the protection of everyone's health and in solidarity with the most vulnerable.
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