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KEDGE graduates Emeline Bourgoin and Georges Klenkle renew their mandates on the Executive Committee of the KEDGE BS Foundation!

Created in 2010, the KEDGE Foundation supports the school's solidarity, inclusion and entrepreneurship projects. Chaired by Emeline BOURGOIN, 5 other graduates are members of the COMEX.

🤝 The KEDGE Foundation: a social and solidarity initiative

The Foundation's governance is made up of corporate partners (ONET, Société Générale SMC, Banque Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique, Compagnie la Fruitière) as well as 6 graduates who wanted to commit themselves further to the development of their former school .

For its 31st COMEX, the foundation brought together its directors alongside the Fondation de France,Alexandre de Navailles, CEO of KEDGE, Anne-France Piteau, Director of Transition and Impact and the foundation's new General Secretary, and Diane Le Nay, Head of Development and Philanthropy.

Renewal of the mandates of two committed graduates! 🌟

Emeline Bourgoin, Alumni & President of the KEDGE BS Foundation

Georges Klenkle, Alumni & President of the KEDGE BS Alumni Network

A graduate of KEDGE, class of 1998.

Emeline chose to develop her career in human resources management. Since graduating, she has gained a wealth of experience in major groups such as Canal+, Daily Motion and AXA. Most recently, Emeline held a strategic position within the ING Group retail bank, as Global Human Resources Business partner .

As President of the Foundation, Emeline is at the heart of our development and actively participates in the growth of our business.

Graduate of KEDGE, class of 1995.

An alumnus of Capgemini, Georges is a serial entrepreneur, having founded 3 companies: Degetel in 1999, Eugeka in 2012 and Freemiumplay in 2018. Always committed to his former school, Georges provided the skills of his employees for the creation of the Foundation's website, estimated at over €400K in skills sponsorship. He is also a private donor and President of the KEDGE BS Alumni Network .

🎓 But also, 4 graduates still committed to the Foundation...

Laurent Cohen, Corania CEO

Benjamin Gaignault, Founder of Ornikar and Scarlett

Jean-François Thunet, CEO of Mantu Consulting

Murielle Vuong, CSR Director at VEEPEE

🚀 The Comex of the KEDGE BS Foundation once again supports the École Entrepreneuriale project

As part of its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, KEDGE has put in place measures to meet its commitment to equal treatment and opportunities. This includes encouraging and supporting students from difficult backgrounds (exclusion, precariousness, dropping out of school, priority neighborhoods, unemployment, etc.).

KEDGE, which has been involved in entrepreneurship for several years, is committed to this socially inclusive approach withthe "Ecole Entrepreneuriale", supported by numerous partners.

What is the Entrepreneurial School?

L'Ecole Entrepreneuriale is an equal opportunity program that facilitates access to higher education and helps students turn their projects into reality. The 3-year program is available on the Marseille, Bordeaux and Paris campuses.

Today, 54 students are supported via the Entrepreneurial School, and we already have our first graduates: Dina Sabitova, Audrey Lobono, Eric Lahaye and Aby Rene! 👏

A significant new contribution! At the Comex meeting on June 13, it was unanimously decided to allocate a budget of €70, 000 to support this project. This donation is the fruit of the commitment of the GIFI company, the Denibam Foundation and the Compagnie Fruitière Endowment Fund. ✨

👏 Acknowledgements

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to the members of the Executive Committee for their commitment to students and academic research, through the KEDGE Foundation. We would also like to thank all our alumni donors, because thanks to your donations, the KEDGE Foundation is able to finance projects that enable students to pursue their studies with complete peace of mind.

Would you also like to support the Foundation's actions?

To contact the KEDGE Foundation :


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