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Kedge graduate Tristan Verdy revolutionizes sports with Turf Tank and its tracking robots

Tristan Verdy, KEDGE graduate: Leading the Turf Tank revolution in sports

From Perpignan to KEDGE: an ambitious career path

After passing his baccalauréat ES with honors in Perpignan in 2016, Tristan began his university career in Economic and Social Administration (AES) at the University of Perpignan. However, a desire to specialize further led him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (IAE) at the same place, where he found a path that better matched his aspirations.

In 2019, Tristan successfully passed the Passerelle entrance exams and joined KEDGE Business School in Bordeaux in the Master Grande École (M1) program. It's here that his academic adventure takes on a new dimension, combining specialization in management, enriching practical experience and an international outlook.

🧑‍🎓 Kedge, a springboard to professional success

At KEDGE, Tristan discovered the diversity of opportunities offered by the school, even if the COVID-19 pandemic somewhat limited his on-campus experience. After exploring different disciplines, including sales, management and marketing, he decided to complete his course with a gap year.

His gap year was marked by two decisive internships: first at the Fédération Française du Sport en Entreprise (FFSE) as a sales representative, then atAS Monaco as partnerships assistant. These experiences enabled him to acquire solid expertise in the field of sports business. In 2022, he enriched his career with a three-month stay in Bali, where he perfected his English while working on sales and marketing projects, an experience he describes as "complementary and unforgettable".

🚀 A dynamic career at the heart of sports innovation

Since April 2023, Tristan has held the position of Sales Manager for the South of France at Turf Tank, the world leader in automated layout for sports fields. The Danish company offers innovative robots that use GPS technology to guarantee precise and efficient layouts, adapted to the needs of amateur clubs and large professional structures alike.

In this role, Tristan combines sales and management skills. He carries out field demonstrations, negotiates contracts and works closely with a sales development manager and a technician.

What does he appreciate most? The freedom of his work, the variety of responsibilities, and above all, the opportunity to work with sports professionals to improve their infrastructures.

🎯 Ambitions and prospects for the future

Tristan is fully satisfied with Turf Tank and has no intention of stopping there. His goal is toincrease Turf Tank's visibility on all French terrains, by multiplying demonstrations and sales. Ultimately, he aspires to become Director for France, and even Europe, while nurturing the ambition to create his own company in the sports sector.

He looks forward to the future with enthusiasm, buoyed by the recognition of Turf Tank, voted "Company of the Month" by BFM Business and named one of TIME magazine's 200 most innovative companies of 2024.

🎓 Advice from a kedger

"Be curious, work hard and build your network. Open yourself up to the world, provoke your luck and be proactive."

He stresses the importance of exploiting all the opportunities offered by KEDGE, whether they be projects, internships or networking events. His philosophy is simple: invest in what you love and don't wait for opportunities to present themselves.

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