A diversified career in communications, journalism and politics 🎙
After a preparatory class in Versailles, Jean Rosset graduated in 2019 from the Grande École program at Kedge Business School in Marseille. He subsequently worked as a political group associate at the Hautes-Pyrénées departmental council, then as a financial journalist for Reuters in Poland. He would now like to pursue a career in the public and political world, either as an elected official or as a communications executive.
Publication of a powerful, lively and original essay by Éditions Maïa 📕
At the age of 30, he decided to devote himself to a long-cherished project: writing a humanities essay on historical, philosophical and social issues. It's called Voyage au cœur de l'Histoire et de notre temps. It is, like a mirror, asynthesis of what we are all experiencing internally today, and what the past has bequeathed to us to face this era. The journey delves into a wide variety of themes dear to him: from the passage of time to social networks and France. He's proud to have put a little bit of himself into it, sometimes lyrically and sometimes emotionally, and this research work has mobilized some 600 erudite sources.
The trial is available in bookshops 🛍
It is currently available throughout France and in a myriad of online bookshops such as Fnac, Amazon, La Procure and Cultura. It is also available for sale on the Librairie Gallimard website! A fine recognition of his work!
This essay is the fruit of a year's research, like the work of a goldsmith. It's an invitation to reflect philosophically, historically and, sometimes, concretely on the great questions of existence: how can we understand the world, give meaning to human life and act forcefully ?
Librairie Gallimard
"In Bruges, the little Venice of the north,whichwas once rich and prosperous, and shone as much in trade as in art and culture, I perceive architectural styles, paintings, statues - in short, traces of its heyday from the 12th to the 15th century.I have cluesthatallow me to distinguish a world, a system. But I know that with superior perception I would see more than just stones and canals, I could read between the lines of code and see in my mind's eye with clarity, like an explosion of color, smells and movement,thelife of a people, the life of the merchants, the prostitutes, the painters of this city so profound. But I don't have this perception. However, as we walk these streets, we feel aforcebeyond us, and we let ourselves be seduced with calm abandon. I let myself be submerged by a story bigger than myself.It's not necessarily necessary to know and understand everything.
Jean Rosset advises you to follow the advice given by Steve Jobs: " Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. They already know, in a way, what you really want to become. Everything else is secondary." To this day, he is fulfilled and proud to contribute to society through his essay and his commitment to the public and communications world. He also knows that Kedge prepared him well for a daring mind that knows how to combine practice and theory. The AI era demands that you be unique, so he calls you to become!
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