🎓 An international career marked by KEDGE
Arnaud's adventure began in 1999 at KEDGE, where he completed the ISLI Specialized Master's program. "The years at KEDGE were a real turning point. They enabled me to forge solid relationships with my fellow students, bonds that continue to this day", he recalls. The internationalization of his curriculum and the deepening of his knowledge of the supply chain at KEDGE were decisive factors in his career path.
After spending several years in the United States, notably in Silicon Valley where he was able to applyartificial intelligence to the supply chain, Arnaud decided to return to France to create his own start-up. 🌎
🚀 The KEDGE incubator, a springboard for innovation
It was through theKEDGE Paris incubator, supported by KEDGE Entrepreneurship, that her project took off. "The KEDGE incubator was essential in accelerating our development. Thanks to their strategic and commercial support, we were able to fine-tune our product and target the right customers", explains Arnaud. His young but ambitious company has set itself apart by offering an AI-based solution to transform supply chain management. 🧑💻
🌟 A victory that rewards innovation and entrepreneurial spirit
🏆 Arnaud, a graduate of KEDGE's Mastère Spécialisé ISLI, has just won the prestigious Start-up Award at Supply Chain Event, one of France's biggest supply chain events, a recognition that underlines the impact of his company in the field of artificial intelligence applied to the supply chain. "This award is the fruit of many months of hard work with my team, and I wasn't expecting it. It's an immense source of pride, because it validates all the work we've done," he confides. His start-up, created after his return to France, is developing an innovative solution that automates the operational management of the supply chain, compensating for staff shortages and optimizing the expertise of professionals.
Arnaud has no intention of stopping there. "Our aim now is to deploy our solution with several customers to continue recruiting and developing our offering. The award is great recognition, but the work has only just begun," he adds. ✨
👀 His advice to future entrepreneurs? Don't hesitate to get started!
Arnaud encourages all KEDGE graduates and students to take the plunge without delay: "Don't waste any time, you have all the skills you need to succeed. It takes resilience and hard work, but it's by daring to take risks that you succeed."
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