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KEDGE Alumni takes stock at the end of the year!
The school year is coming to an end and we wanted to share with you the network's annual report (key figures and developments), and to thank you warmly for your involvement alongside us.
Dear KEDGE Alumni members,
The school year has just come to an end and, as usual, we'd like to share our assessment of the past year with you. As network coordinators, the KEDGE Alumni team (Julie Moulis, Lola Gouitaa, Stéphanie Cosserat, Morgane Samuel, Lisa Leroux and Hugo Curtil) in collaboration with its President, Georges Klenklé, and his Board of Directors, are privileged witnesses to the evolution of your network, its influence and the impact it continues to have on your professional lives as well as on the school's development.
The past year has been marked by many successes and achievements. The events we have organized have been opportunities to get together, forge links and create new professional opportunities. Whether at conferences, seminars or informal get-togethers, we were able to witness the diversity of talent present within the network.
Key figures for 2022-2023
More than 1,700 graduates involved with students and the network, including :
- 385 graduates/experts taking part in our courses, conferences, etc. ;
- 606 graduates present on juries (+127% on last year);
- 106 graduate volunteers who co-organized events, afterwoks or conferences with us.
- 6,043 participants (+45% on last year) at our 129 events , including :
- 46 themed events attended by 3,963 graduates and students;
- 47 workshops and services with 274 participants, a satisfaction rate of over 93% and a recommendation rate of over 98%;
- 4 graduation anniversaries with over 187 participants;
- 85 branch events in France and abroad(+52% on last year) with 1,960 participants (+37%).
- More than 12,805 new subscribers on all our social networks;
- 11 news newsletters and 22 events newsletters with an average open rate of 28% (+1% on last year).
The year's new products

As an alumni, benefit from a 20% discount
As we turn the page on this successful year, we look forward to what the year ahead has in store. We'll continue to support you, share your successes and challenges, and help KEDGE Alumni live and grow!
We'd like to thank you for your commitment, your enthusiasm and your active participation in the network. The entire KEDGE and KEDGE Alumni teams wish you all an excellent summer.
The KEDGE Alumni team,
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