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KEDGE Alumni has joined the WATs4U network of the 22 top schools.
The WATs4U website is an excellency platform that today brings together the 22 best business and engineering schools. The objective: offer students from these schools the best opportunities from recruiters looking for new talents.
When a recruiter is looking for an experienced profile, he/she often avoids publishing the job offer among the wider public, in order to receive fewer applications from candidates that don't meet the requirements. In France, it is estimated that 80% of the job market is hidden. That means that eight opportunities out of 10 are published internally or in private networks. It is based on this observation that WATs4U was born. The platform is only accessible to alumni from the schools that were selected by a jury and aims to offer recruiters only the best profiles.
The objectives of WATs4U are:
- to facilitate the career growth of every alumni so that his/her professional background reflects his/her talent.
- to facilitate recruiters' access to a selective community of high level senior managers.
In order to fulfil its mission, WATs4U has developed a series of services dedicated to recruiters and alumni, and that are based on three key features:
- Linking the needs of companies with the professional aspirations of the alumni from our schools.
- Facilitating the construction of a high level professional network.
- Pooling information from sources linked to career management that alumni associations have at their disposal.
KEDGE Alumni has joined the list of schools in the network
After discussions, the members of the integration jury for WATs4U decided to include the KEDGE Business School alumni network, which joins the following list of schools:
Agro ParisTech // Ecole Centrale Paris // Ecole des Ponts ParisTech // Ecole Mines ParisTech // Ecole Polytechnique // EDHEC Business School // EMLYON Business School // ENA //ENSTA ParisTech // EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne // ESADE // ESCP Europe // ESSEC Business School // ETH Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule Zürich // HEC Paris // INSEAD // LSE // SciencesPo // Supelec // Telecom ParisTech // Università Bocconi
KEDGE Business School alumni are therefore joined more than 350,000 other alumni.
How to take advantage of WATs4U?
The service is reserved for paying members of the network, to learn more about membership to the KEDGE Alumni Network, click here.
To benefit from this new partnership between your KEDGE network and WATs4U, you just have to follow the below steps:
- Log on to your KEDGE Alumni profile
If you forgot your login information, you can retrieve it with the form - Once you are connected, head over to the WATs4U website
- From their website, create and update your profile
- Take advantage of all of the services on the WATs4U website for free
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