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Jean-Marc Espinasse, KEDGE graduate: From Provence to New Zealand, the audacity of a wine enthusiast

A Kedger vineyard explorer: Jean-Marc continues his globe-trotting quest into the world of wine

🍇 From KEDGE to a passion for wine

🎓 Jean-Marc, a KEDGE graduate, joined the school in 1989. He quickly made a name for himself through his involvement in associations: Bureau des Sports, Junior Entreprise, Bacchus... Responsibilities he took on in spades, culminating in his appointment as President of the Junior in 1991. But what he retains above all from his years at KEDGE is much more than academic learning.

"KEDGE is a school of life", he likes to say. It was here that he was able to develop his entrepreneurial spirit and his taste for risk, qualities that were to lead him to take on ambitious challenges. Like taking over 10 hectares of vines in 2007, when he had never made wine on his own before. 👏

🚀 A bold reconversion

Before launching into the world of this noble nectar, Jean-Marc began his career inauditing. But after three years in this corporate environment, passion got the better of him. He resigned, applied for a Congé Individuel de Formation (CIF) to obtain an agricultural diploma, and entered the world of wine. He joined Château Sainte Roseline, in Provence, first as Sales Director, then as General Manager. Gradually, the desire to own his own vineyard grew until it became a reality in 2007, when he acquired his own vines in the Rhône Valley. 🍷

🇳🇿 The call of the other end of the world: heading for New Zealand

🛫 Ten years later, after selling his vineyard, the adventure continues. In 2018, while Jean-Marc is taking a keen interest in natural winemaking. He left to vinify Pinot Noir in Oregon. Other collaborations followed before an unexpected opportunity presented itself: a vineyard in New Zealand invited him to join them in making natural wines. "Instagram has struck again", he jokes. That's how he ended up at Whitehaven Cellars, in the Marlborough Valley, a region renowned for its wines. Eight intense weeks during which he worked with an international team, discovering new techniques while contributing his expertise.

"Working in New Zealand is like fulfilling a childhood dream," says Jean-Marc. But that's not all: he also took advantage of the experience to discover the wild beauty of the South Island by bike, another of his passions. While there, he makes friends with Carlos, a Chilean colleague, who tells him about the famous "Carretera Austral" in Chile, a mythical route that is already attracting him for his future adventures. 🌏

🌟 A future full of projects and adventures

New Zealand is just one stage in Jean-Marc's journey. In January 2025, he will cycle to Chile to explore the southern lands, before crossing the Andes to Mendoza. There, he will work at a pioneering biodynamic estate. Jean-Marc is always on the lookout for new wine-growing experiences, combining travel with a passion for wine.

👀 For 2026, who knows what the future holds? One thing's for sure, Jean-Marc will continue to write his own story, between the vines and the roads of the world, always keeping that adventurous spirit that drives him to discover new horizons. 🌎

💬 Any advice for KEDGE graduates and students?

"Wine, like all passionate professions, requires a great deal of self-sacrifice. To withstand the ups and downs of these professions, you need to be highly motivated. The school also gives you a lot of keys to success: Good management, good interpersonal skills and the ability to bounce back from hard times are values you acquire during the course." ✨

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