Searching for a job differently: winning strategies and...

est and succeed in the USA
Advice from experts
Business investments between France and the United States are more than a $100 billion a year!
Come and meet a panel of experts at a series of conferences-debates taking place in seven French cities from the 1st to 5th of April.
Objective: better understand how your business or investments can succeed in the US!
France has invested $251 billion in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the US, which makes it the 5th largest foreign investor in the US, and the US is the largest source of investment in France, having provided $80 billion in FDI.
What are the keys for success?
Will your company be among the next to set up in the US?
- Succeed: More and more French start-ups and businesses are flourishing in the US. However, not all are successful in achieving rapid growth. How do the successful ones do it?
- Set–up: You plan to set-up business in the US? Your business is already located there, but getting your business to grow is more difficult than you imagined?
- Invest: You want to invest in real estate or financial investments in the US. Our experts can help.
Meet experts in the following areas:
- - Business creation in the US
- - Strategy plan
- - Establish your activity in the US
- Cultural differences: Doing business with Americans - - Invest in the American real estate market
- - Health care in the US: get the right insurance
- - American taxes: pitfalls and tips to know
Conference dates can be found here!
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