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Gustave Kervern, KEDGE alumni, is a movie star!
Review of the career of Gustave Kervern: director, scriptwriter and actor.
Gustave Kervern (K/Vern), originally from Mauritius, is a French director, scriptwriter, and actor. He studied business at the Marseille campus at KEDGE Business School as a young man, receiving his degree in 1986.
At the beginning of his career in 1991, after having appeared in the Patrick Sabatier “Avis de recherche” (Research Unit), he joined the team at Canal+ as a journalist for the Top 50. He then hosted “Le Plein de Super” (Fill’er Up with Super), and from 1996 he joined the “La Matinale” (Morning) team, which was hosted by Arthur on Europe 2.
Gustave Kervern really gained notice when he famously played an alcoholic journalist in the Groland parody news show.
In 2004, he went behind the camera with Aalra and again in 2006 with the film Avida (an Official Selection at the 2006 Cannes Festival ). He also acted in those two films.
In 2010, Gustave directed Mammuth, a comedy drama whose main character is played by Gerard Depardieu. It was the only French film selected at the Berlinale in 2010.
Two years later, in collaboration with Stéphanie Pillonca, he released a book of interviews with different leading figures like Gérard Depardieu, Yolande Moreau, Amélie Nothomb, and Bénabar.
More recently, in 2018, he directed the feature film "I Feel Good" with Jean Dujardin and Yolande Moreau. It tells the story of Monique, a woman who sees her brother have after several years of absence, Jacques, a good-for-nothing whose only obsession in life is to find an idea that will make him rich. More than a family reunion, this film portrays two visions of the world clash.
Finally, in early 2019, he is back on the big screen with Grégoire Ludig in the comedy "Les petits flocons” (Snowlidays) by Joséphine Meaux.
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