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Gift ideas KEDGE Alumni #1: Give products sold by Kedge alumni as Christmas presents.
Giving your nearest and dearest Christmas presents is a good thing. Giving them Christmas presents that you’ve picked specially from the gift ideas offered by KEDGE alumni is an even better thing. To help your Christmas preparations, KEDGE Alumni has selected around forty ideas for its catalogue from the many applications submitted by former students. With breaks & trips, jewellery, clothes, accessories, wines & spirits, ornaments & the home, we’ve got it all covered so you can find THE present to delight your family and friends. What’s more, many alumni are offering discounts for fellow alumni network members, so use them!
Get to sleep in 3 minutes with holi
You are bound to know someone who always sleeps poorly. With holi, Emmanuelle Muchery (ESC 1998) is offering innovative solutions to help people fall asleep in under 3 minutes, to understand how they sleep, and wake up ready to face the day ahead.
Emmanuelle is offering a 10% discount to members with the code KEDGE
Order cheese online for your New Year's Eve party
Marie Clement-Brosseau (ESC 2013) has a range of cheeses on offer for the party season, which can be either selected by the buyer (Tomme de Chèvre flavoured with Espelette pepper, Trèfle du Perche, etc.) or bought as a platter (with names such as “The Sin of Greed”, “Special Match Cheese Platter”, “Certified Unconventional”, and so on). They can be delivered anywhere in France within 24 hours using refrigerated transport.
From 15 Nov until 24 Dec, Marie is offering a €5 discount on all orders using the code KEDGE.
Relaxing break in the country
Why not take advantage of the holiday season to... give the family a holiday? The owner of 20 hectares on a river bank in Charente (W. France), Denise L’Hoiry Marchand (ESC 1976) lets out her haven of tranquillity in the countryside for holidays. Feed the donkeys, go fishing, or snuggle up by the fireside (should you decide to rent it in winter) - unquestionably idyllic!
Denise is offering a 10% discount to all alumni, and she can be emailed at
Spare a thought for the disadvantaged at Christmas
Pauline Chauvet (EBP 2009) and World Vision France ensure that families living on the other side of the world will also receive presents. This humanitarian organisation makes it possible for disadvantaged children all over the world to receive gifts of school supplies, a bicycle, mosquito nets or even chickens and goats!
Note too that 66% of the value of such gifts is tax deductible
A bib for boys with beards
Are you fed up with your other half filling the sink with bits of hair when he shaves? Alexandre Le Riboter (ESC 2014) has the solution! “Le Bavoir” (meaning “The Bib”) means a man can trim or shave his beard without making a mess of the bathroom or your clothes. Why did no-one think of this before?
Jogging, yes, but stylish jogging
It will not have escaped your attention that jogging is everywhere. You can’t take a stroll without seeing a jogger. Norah Luttway (ESC 1994) plans to dress these joggers in her Noliju brand. In her online store for today’s female jogger, Noliju offers stylish running vests, tees, sweats, leggings, shorts and jackets/windbreakers.
Norah is offering a 10% discount throughout her entire online store, and can be emailed at
Indulgent cocktails with several dashes of friendship
Cosy is a range of spirits created by a gang of friends, including Olivier Fichot (KEDGE Bachelor 1997). With elegance and finesse, pastry chefs have endowed a subtly indulgent touch on this French-produced beverage. Low in sugar, low in alcohol, Cosy drinks are as tasty as they are refreshing.
Use the code DELICIEUXNOEL for a buy two, get one free offer.
Thrills behind the wheel of a powerful car
Calling all petrol heads and speed freaks! Would you like to try driving a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Audi R8 or Nissan GTR? Dorian Gache (KEDGE Bachelor 2016) and the GT Drive motor racing school give you a chance to learn racing skills at the wheel of today’s finest GT cars on the finest racing circuits. The school is based in Alès.
Use the code PROMO KBSNOEL16 for a 30% discount on all packages
Thousands of jewels with Stella & Dot
There is nothing like jewellery to please a woman. Valérie Alessio (EBP 1991) distributes jewels and accessories from the famous American brand Stella & Dot, as worn by many celebrities worldwide. With necklaces, watches, bracelets, bags, earrings and scarves, you are bound to find something to surprise and delight.
Des bijoux par milliers avec Stella & Dot
Rien de tel qu’un bijou pour faire plaisir à une femme. Valérie Alessio (EBP 1991) distribue les bijoux et accessoires de la célèbre marque américaine Stella & Dot, portée par de nombreuses célébrités à travers le monde. Colliers, montres, bracelets, sacs, boucles d’oreilles, ou encore foulards : vous trouverez forcément la pièce qui fera plaisir.
When it comes to champagne, choose quality with Bertrand-Delespierre
As independent winegrowers, producers and merchants, the Bertrand family (of which Clémence Bertrand, MVS graduate in 2015, is a member) manages every stage in the wine supply chain from vineyard to retail outlet.
Free delivery in Bordeaux and Paris for all orders placed before 3 Dec.
Start planning summer now with Humffrey
The best cure for the gloom of winter is to plan your summer holiday (or a trip to somewhere tropical). With Humffrey, Clarisse Lardinois (MVS 2010) offers a range of swimming shorts, designed in France and made in Portugal using materials sourced in Italy. These limited-edition shorts are ultra-quick drying, and the quality is as high as you would expect.
Clarisse is offering a 25% discount to members with the KedgeChristmas promotional code
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1 Comment
Amaury BOULOM (BEM PGE - Programme Grande Ecole / ESC, 2015) 17 November 2016 à 08h34
Bonne idée ce partage de code