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Founded by a KEDGE Alumnus, MÃO BOA has been raising awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at CMA CGM (a KEDGE partner) for 2 years!
Specialising in collaborative CSR, mão boa has assisted the thousands of employees CMA CGM, a Marseille-based shipping company. Their commitment will make it possible to finance ecological, educational, and solidarity-based enterprises.
A graduate of KEDGE, Maxime Marchand is the co-founder and CEO of māo boa, a startup incubated by ZEBOX. Its mission: get every employee involved in the social and environmental impacts of their company through a collaborative platform and a collective gamification system. Māo boa has been working with CMA CGM since October 2021 to empower its 110,000 employees to take tangible actions to reach the company’s carbon reduction targets. In just a few weeks, more than 9,000 activities and challenges were carried out by the committed employees of CMA CGM in 52 countries, and the equivalent of more than 12 tonnes of CO2 emissions has been prevented..
The deployment has achieved a particularly high level of engagement. More than 9,000 actions have already been carried out and 91% of employees have been engaged and active on the platform. In addition to the actions, employees are proposing ideas, projects and good practices to be carried out at the local level to transform the Group. We are very proud to see the extent of this engagement, especially as this is our first international launch. This programme has also been an opportunity to go further in our partnerships, in particular with WeNow, an expert on climate issues. - Maxime Marchand, CEO and Co-founder of mão boa.
mão boa makes the CSR policies of companies more meaningful to their employees
CSR is a real lever for transformation. It requires the involvement of everyone, even though the issues at stake are sometimes unknown and remote from the operational reality of employees. According to the Ekodev consulting agency, 71% of employees say they are not well informed about what their company is doing in terms of CSR, even though they would like very much to get involved and contribute to taking actions that have an impact. What’s more, according to a study by BPI and APICIL, 67% of managers and 73% of employees want to be involved in their company's CSR policy.
Engaging employees in a sustainable approach to business: a priority for CMA CGM
CMA CGM is committed to making the energy transition in maritime transport and is a pioneer in the use of alternative fuels. It aims to be Net Zero Carbon by 2050. To make it easier for its employees to understand sustainable development issues, the Group has partnered with two start-ups, mão boa and Wenow, to develop an internal programme entitled "My CMA CGM Group Daily Impact", which aims to mobilise and raise awareness amongst its 110,000 employees and enable them to voluntarily invest in projects that have a positive environmental, social, or societal impact. The partnership with mão boa (a start-up that has been incubated by ZEBOX since July 2021), has enabled this customised programme to be designed through a SaaS platform.
A collaborative programme co-constructed with 400 pioneers
Launched in October 2021 by Tanya Saadé Zeenny, Executive Officer of the CMA CGM Group, this project is based on several axes:
Co-construction of the programme with pioneers in 52 countries who make proposals and contribute to the creation of educational content, as well as disseminate information about the programme.
Setting up individual and collective challenges around the individual carbon footprint that make the company’s CSR policy a reality. These challenges allow individuals to change their everyday behaviours in various ways, such as reducing their amount of car travel, reducing digital pollution (deleting e-mails, deleting unnecessary data on servers, etc.), and general consumption. The aim is for everyone to take measures to reduce their carbon footprint on a daily basis.
In addition to these challenges, mão boa also includes a charity dimension. Each challenge allows employees to earn points that are transformed into financial donations to associations and organisations that are committed to protecting the environment.
Measuring the number of tonnes of CO2 saved to produce a carbon footprint and a "dashboard" that measures the impact of each individual and the company as a whole.
After the launch phase with the pioneers, the programme will be gradually rolled out to the Group's 110,000 employees from April 2022.
Since the launch of the “My CMA CGM Group Daily Impact” platform, more than 12 tonnes (updated figure) of CO₂ equivalent has been avoided. This demonstrates the commitment of the pioneers who are engaged in this project every day. I'm proud of the success of this "learning" initiative, which is collaborative, even uniting. Thanks to the ideas proposed by the ambassadors, we’ve already improved our programmes. These initial results have encouraged us to roll out the My CMA CGM Group Daily Impact programme to all Group employees from April 2022. - Claire Martin, Vice President in charge of Sustainable Development at CMA CGM Group.
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