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Five KEDGE graduates named among the 200 leaders of tomorrow!
Again this year, five of our graduates are distinguished in the executive ranking by the Institut Choiseul.
As it does every year, the renowned Institut Choiseul has just published its ranking of the French economic leaders of tomorrow. The Choiseul 100 is an annual study conducted independently by the Institut Choiseul, and which identifies, ranks, and classifies young leaders under the age of 40 who play, or will play, a major role in the French and international economy.
The ranking was the culmination of work carried out throughout the year by the many stakeholders and participants in the French economy the Institut Choiseul had called upon to carry out this unique study, which provides an overview of the driving forces that will shape the economy of tomorrow.
For the second consecutive year, Joffrey Martinez, KEDGE Alumnus and Director of AI and Cognitive Technology, IBM France
Four other Kedgers named in the Choiseul 100, Alumni version
The Choiseul 100 Alumni are business leaders who have been laureates of one or more editions of the Choiseul 100, have participated in the dedicated events organised by the Institut Choiseul, and are over the age limit to appear in the ranking. They will continue to be involved in the various events the Institute Choiseul has organised throughout the year. Together with the 2020 laureates, the Alumni Choiseul 100 form a network of leading economic decision-makers.
Amongst them are four of our school’s graduates:
- Thierry AMARGER, American Tower
- Charles DARBONNE, Daregal
- Pedro NOVO, BPI France
- Emmanuel POTTIER, Clear Channel
A big round of applause for these Alumni who are the pride of our network.
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