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Emylie DUMONT, kedge graduate and Director of Recruitment for Corporate and Business functions at Mantu

A graduate of KEDGE, Emylie DUMONT tells us about her role, values and ambitions as Recruitment Director for Corporate and Business functions at Mantu, an independent international consultancy founded in 2007.

👩🏻‍🎓 Emylie DUMONT, her first steps

I graduated from KEDGE, Class of 2016, with a Master's degree in three specialties: Entrepreneurship, Project Management and Human Resources.

For two years on the Marseille campus, I was part of the ACCEDE Provence Entrepreneurs association, where I was in charge of Communications from 2013 to 2014.

ACCEDE is an association that I can only recommend, as it gave me the keys to everything I considered useful for my early career: teamwork, rigor, mutual support, a grounding in finance, business creation and event organization. It was a first step into the world of work that I really appreciated.

🎯 KEDGE, more than just education

KEDGE helped me become what I am today thanks to its system of projects and associations. After 2 years of preparatory classes, it was through my experience on corporate and group projects that I was able to develop my first skills in project management, prospect canvassing, finance, negotiation and so on.

🚀 Mantu, independent leader in consulting for sustainable business growth

I'm Director of Recruitment for Corporate and Business functions at Mantu, an independent, international consulting firm founded in 2007.

Mantu is a consulting and business services group with over 11,500 employees worldwide and sales of1 billion euros .

Group-wide, we're recruiting 4,000 people in over 60 countries this year. In one working day, I can easily video-conference several times around the world!

Our business is to bring together the best technologies and the best teams to help our customers succeed faster and more sustainably. To do this, we have several brands and 4 different practices, to cover the full range of our customers' expectations: from leadership and the company's raison d'être, to technological and managerial transformation, to the digital experience , while integrating issues linked to the future of work. Our unique positioning enables us to provide our customers with 360° support, making us an independent leader in consulting.

Emylie DUMONT, her role

My team consists of 30 people, spread over several countries.

Each recruiter is in charge of specific profiles, for both business and corporate functions. Their role is twofold: to identify and recruit the best talent, of course, but also to provide day-to-day support to the managers for whom they recruit, sharing the latest recruitment trends and tips for a successful interview process that reflects our image. We often think of the preparation of candidates, but recruiters also need support to master all the keys!

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