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Two Kedgers have created an outdoor pyjama brand
Doriane Bey and Margaux Amice both KEDGE BS graduates (EBP 2017 and 2018). "Friends since attending university, we went to school together in Madrid and Sydney, sharing our experiences and our projects to go on an extraordinary venture Ô Mes Dames !" said the two young women.
The idea came about in January 2018 when they constantly noticed the fact that, "Generally, beauty does not go along with comfort. What of someone told you that it is possible to link comfort and feminist in all circumstances?"
Voir cette publication sur InstagramUn pyjama, différents styles ! En précommande sur @ulule Lien direct en bio
Pyjamas, in differ styles! Available for pre-order on @ulule, Link direct in organic
The two young entrepreneurs want every woman feel at ease and beautiful at all times, both day and night, so they decided to create Ô Mes Dames, a brand of pyjamas that are soft and elegant, and that can be worn outdoors as well as indoors.
The brand adheres to three values: authenticity, femininity and Made in France. With Ô Mes Dames, Doriane and Margaux want to represent the everyday modern woman. The styles are imagined, in Bordeaux and the Bassin d’Arcachon, then fabricated in a factory in Pau.
The first collection is a Summer collection that consists of 4 models. Each piece has been designed to stay in the world of pyjamas, while being modern, to be worn every day and, especially, anywhere. All model are available from XS to XL.
Doriane and Margaux are currently in the middle of raising funds in order to begin production of this first collection. If you’d like to participate in this project, don’t hesitate to do so. (The fund-raising ends Friday, 19 April!) Models are available in sizes XS to XL.
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