A look back at the first Réussites Solidaires: working...
Testimony of Pierre Pelhate, in the shoes of a jury member!
An exclusive look at the jury experience as a KEDGE graduate. Pierre Pelhate talks about his experience.
🎓 "I've been lucky enough to experience jury duty on several occasions. The first time was in 2019, two years after I graduated. It was far enough away to feel nostalgia for the school, but close enough that an admisseur mistook me for a candidate and invited me to the evening meal! That anecdote made me laugh! On a more serious note, I'd only been interviewing myself for five years, and the memory was still fresh."
What was your experience as a juror like?
"I was a little apprehensive about assessing the candidates, but I soon realized that the issue wasn't judging them.
💛 What I liked: that the staff gave us something to think about, which helps a lot when you're not used to it. The fact that we had a co-judge, who was a school executive and more experienced, also made us feel more secure in our role.
In 2021, with the benefit of hindsight, I decided to repeat the experience. Beyond the purely operational aspect, I was able to meet other professionals with inspiring backgrounds... and also reconnect with some classmates I'd lost touch with. 🔎
Today, I continue to take part in the entrance juries with a slightly different eye, as I intervene in the programs. I'm still struck by the diversity of the profiles we can meet: some of them already have, at 18-20, exceptional backgrounds! " ✨
What advantages do you think you bring as a graduate to the KEDGE Business School admissions panel?
"Joining KEDGE means joining an ecosystem and a community, not just a school.
🎓 As a graduate, you play a crucial role in the selection of candidates, and bring a less academic and more business-oriented vision. You're better equipped to detect a candidate's professional potential. You also bring added value to the candidate: the latter are very curious about the business world. 👀
🔎 Don't be surprised, candidates often ask a lot of questions about your background, not just to compliment you, but because they want to understand what happens after school. "
In your opinion, if there's one thing you absolutely have to look for in a profile, what is it?
"Recruiting a junior profile in a company is above all betting on potential. This potential can only be fully developed if the candidate's mindset matches the company's environment.
The same applies to admissions to KEDGE: there's a "KEDGE spirit" that creates emulation and collective commitment, not only in the classroom, but also in student and community life... Some candidates who are academically excellent will not find themselves in this state of mind. Others, on the contrary, who are more modest, will reveal themselves. Identifying this capacity for commitment is essential. 💪
🤝 Admission decisions have a major impact on candidates, who arrive at interviews with high expectations, but don't always have the hindsight to appreciate the importance of finding themselves in their future environment. If they succeed in getting into a school that doesn't suit them, they will be set back in their professional and personal development.
This is also why, for me, the presence of a graduate familiar with the internal culture is essential." ✨
What advice would you give to other graduates interested in jury service?
🚀 Get started! Whether you're a novice or experienced, you're legitimate to take part in this recruitment: you're still part of the school.
👀 Be open-minded and curious! An interview is an exchange, and you'll see that the candidate will bring as much to you as you bring to them.
💛 Be kind: the days when the aim was to make candidates cry are long gone. Our aim is to detect potential, not to evaluate performance. Candidates will confide in you much more easily if they feel secure.
What personal and professional benefits have you found?
" ✔️ This is an excellent exercise for anyone aspiring to recruiter and manager roles, and it's also a great school if you're moving into the coaching professions, where customer analysis is paramount.
💼 Very concretely, this has been my case:
I started out in highly technical positions in financial and actuarial analysis. Two years ago, I branched out into asset management by setting up my own company, A'Cordée. The added value of a wealth manager is to provide advice tailored to the customer's profile, situation and objectives. This means being irreproachable from a technical point of view, but also being able to quickly get to grips with the customer by asking precise, relevant and non-intrusive questions. My years of experience at AON and Malakoff Médéric enabled me to master the technical side of the job, but on the relational side, my experiences as a juror were a "game changer" lever. 💥
For the more experienced, it's an opportunity to better understand "Gen Z", who have a very different relationship to work and authority than previous generations. "
Taking part in an admissions jury is more than just a responsibility; it's an opportunity to help shape the school's future and enrich your own career path. 🎓🚀
🎓 Would you like to be part of the 2024 juries?
Watch your mailboxes! 📬
⏱️ You will have received an e-mail from concours@kedgebs.com containing a link to the jury platform, as well as your login details, which will enable you to register for the dates of your choice.
Didn't receive your codes? Contact us at concours@kedgebs.com
📅 Here's a preview of the competition schedule:
April 16 to 27 for the KEDGE Bachelor (post-baccalaureate program leading to a Bac+3) ;
From May 02 to May 18 for the EBP International (post-baccalaureate Bac+5 program) and the International BBA (post-baccalaureate Bac+4 program);
From May 16 to June 27 for the Grande Ecole Program (which recruits students from preparatory classes and parallel admission students with a minimum of Bac+3).
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