Job hunting is an adventure made up of ups and downs, excitement and discouragement. Between the euphoria of new opportunities and the anguish of waiting, every candidate goes through a multitude of emotions. Finding a job isn't just a matter of responding to advertisements; it's also a strategic process that requires anticipation and perseverance.
Open market, hidden market! What exactly are we talking about? 🤔
The job market can be divided into two main categories: the open market and the hidden market.
👉 The open market: This encompasses offers published on recruitment platforms, company websites and specialized agencies. It is accessible to all, but also highly competitive.
👉 Conversely, the hidden market accounts for a considerable proportion of hiring: many opportunities are never publicized. According to a study conducted by Randstad, in 2020, 41% of hires in France were made without an official announcement, representing almost 2.9 million hires. These positions are often filled through networking, unsolicited applications or recommendations.
Image credit: France Travail
To maximize your chances, it's essential to adopt a proactive approach. Networking plays a key role: not only does it give you access to offers that are invisible to the general public, it also provides you with valuable advice and recommendations. Participating in professional events, canvassing your friends and family or maintaining an active presence on LinkedIn are all ways of broadening your field of possibilities. Unsolicited applications remain an effective, if demanding, approach. Sending a targeted CV and covering letter to a company, without waiting for an advert, can make all the difference.
Participate in events, afterworks and trade fairs,
Specialized organizations also offer invaluable support. France Travail, formerly Pôle emploi, offers personalized support, training and workshops to help jobseekers optimize their approach. Local associations, often little-known, organize mock interviews, CV-writing workshops and individual coaching sessions. These initiatives help people to stay on course and not feel alone when faced with the difficulties of the job market.
Recruitment in France is experiencing contrasting dynamics. In 2023, over 10.8 million job vacancies were advertised, proof that the market remains dynamic. However, many candidates point to a lack of transparency and a sometimes interminable wait after interviews. Hence the importance of diversifying one's approach and not relying solely on visible advertisements.
In a context where job hunting can be a source of stress and uncertainty, it's crucial to adopt an active posture and multiply your strategies. Relying on your network, personalizing your applications, training and contacting the right people are all levers that can help you transform this period into an opportunity for personal and professional development. Behind every step, a meeting, a discussion or a simple act of initiative can open the doors to a professional future.
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