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Boost Your Business with KEDGE Talents: Working with Junior Achievement!

Look no further! Call on KEDGE's two Junior-Entreprises: Marketing Méditerranée and AMS Conseil, who are ready to help you!

🚀 What is a Junior Entreprise?

A Junior-Enterprise is a student association offering consulting services to companies, institutions and organizations. It enables students to put their knowledge into practice while developing professional skills. These Junior-Entreprises are laboratories of innovation, bringing the energy and freshness of students, combined with a solid academic background. ✨🎓

👋🏽 Why call on KEDGE Junior-Entreprises?

Are you a KEDGE Business School graduate looking to boost your business?

Think Marketing Méditerranée and AMS Conseil! By working with these Junior-Entreprises, you benefit from innovative, high-quality services at competitive rates, while supporting the training of KEDGE's future talent. Imagine passionate young people, trained in the latest trends, ready to accompany you on your projects.

Your benefits:

  • ✨ Diverse expertise: Take advantage of cutting-edge skills in marketing, finance, communications, auditing and more.
  • 🚀 Innovation and dynamism: Benefit from the energy and creativity of our students.
  • 🤝 Valuable network: Expand your network by connecting with promising future professionals.
  • 💸 Attractive costs: Access high-quality services at competitive rates.

🌟 KEDGE nuggets: Marketing Méditerranée and AMS Conseil

KEDGE Business School is home to two exceptional Junior-Entreprises: Marketing Méditerranée in Marseille and AMS Conseil in Bordeaux.

Mediterranean Marketing

Marketing Méditerranée, with its 55 years of experience, is the most awarded Junior-Enterprise in France and Europe. Based on the Marseille campus, it specializes in six main areas: market research, marketing, communication, design, strategic support and CSR. It generates annual sales of €300,000. This success enables its members to rapidly develop their skills thanks to in-house training and the many projects they carry out with professionals from a wide range of sectors. At the age of 20, these junior entrepreneurs are acquiring professionalism and experience while building a valuable network.

AMS Conseil (Aquitaine Marketing Services)

AMS Conseil is KEDGE Business School's Junior Enterprise in Bordeaux, specializing in marketing, finance, communication and auditing. Founded in 1970, it isone of the six founding members of the Junior Entreprise movement. For over 50 years, AMS Conseil has been committed to providing high-quality services, adding real value to its customers' projects through its expertise and alumni network.

Recently, AMS Conseil launched a Business Unit in the Wines & Spirits sector and developed a new CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) diagnostic offering, demonstrating its commitment to providing innovative services tailored to its customers' current needs.

🤝 Takeaction!

👀 Do you needmarket research to launch a new product ? Want strategic support to boost your growth ? Looking to improve your societal impact with a CSR diagnostic ?

Look no further! KEDGE Junior-Enterprises are ready to support you with tailor-made, innovative solutions. By working with them, you can boost your business while supporting student training. It's a win-win situation! 🤝

To find out more or to start a collaboration, contact us at Juniors-Entreprises!

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