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An unforgettable reunion for the class of 1993 in Soulac sur Mer: a look back at 30 years of friendship and success
On 24 and 25 June, our graduates got together for a weekend to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their class of 1993.
Thirty years ago, a group of ambitious and promising students walked through the doors of BEM, now KEDGE Business School, ready to embark on an adventure that would shape their future.
On June 24 and 25, these former classmates got together to celebrate their thirtieth anniversary, in an atmosphere full of emotions and memories.
The long-awaited reunion took place in Soulac sur Mer. As soon as they arrived, an electric atmosphere could be felt, mixing excitement and apprehension at the idea of seeing familiar faces again after so many years 🤩.
The weekend began with a first evening reunion at Les Sables d'Argent campsite.
The following day, graduates enjoyed a boat trip with a visit to the Cordouan lighthouse.
The day ended with dinner at L'Escale restaurant for a lively evening 🥂.

The faces have changed, but the enthusiasm and determination of these alumni is as palpable as ever. Many have gone on to achieve great heights in their professional careers, holding senior positions in prestigious companies. Others have chosen to set up their own businesses, making their own contribution to the economy and society.
Beyond their professional successes, this reunion was an opportunity to renew precious ties and recall the times spent together, the sleepless nights studying for exams, the team projects that forged solid friendships, and the teachers who guided their first steps in the business world.
This weekend-end reunion to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the class of 1993 will be one to remember. Beyond the memories shared, it demonstrated that the bonds forged during the years of study endure, and that this class is a truly supportive and inspiring community.
As the alumni went their separate ways, each left with a reinforced certainty: thirty years after graduation, they remain linked by an indestructible friendship and precious memories. The reunion of the class of 1993 was a resounding success, reminding everyone of the importance of human ties and the value of a solid professional network.
See all the photos of the anniversary below 👇
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