Searching for a job differently: winning strategies and...

The Business Nursery, KEDGE Business School's incubator, is launching a call for projets to select the next group of projects that will be incubated.
Do you want to transition from project leader to business owner? Now's the time to join KEDGE's incubator, the Business Nursery and take advantage of customised support.
Testimony from Hakim, who received support from the Business Nursery and mentoring from another alumni.

- Receive support from a consultant/coach specialised in launching Start ups: methodology, market studies, business plan, pitch training...

- Take advantage of the experience of a mentor, a KEDGE BS alumni, entrepreneur or senior executive (knowledge transfer, development accelerator).

- Participate in practical conferences led by experts (accounting, legal & fiscal, team building, coaching...), thematic workshops, testimonies from business owners and key players in the innovation ecosystem
- Take advantage of the Alumni Entrepreneurs Club (Marseille, Bordeaux, Paris)
- Share ideas with other entrepreneurs from KEDGE on Linkedin Entrepreneurs group.
Rate for lifetime members: 150€
Rate for non-members: 800€
If the project leader wants his or her collaborator(s) to participate in the programme, an additional 50€ will be required from the project team.
If you are interested in the programme, apply online before September 30th !
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact
For more information about the Business Nursery:
Good luck everyone!
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