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Alice Caperan, Co-Founder of Halo: An entrepreneur at the service of expatriates in Canada

From KEDGE to the creation of a successful company in Canada, Alice Caperan embodies the path of an ambitious and determined woman. With Halo Agence, she assists expatriates with their integration in Quebec.

🌎 KEDGE Business School: The springboard to an international career

🎓 After a Bachelor's degree in management, Alice chose KEDGE for her Grande École Program, attracted by the school's innovative teaching approach and international outlook.

"KEDGE was a decisive step in my career path, combining theory with concrete projects that enabled me to combine creativity and discipline to solve problems. Alice was also able to acquire practical skills in management, marketing and purchasing, which prepared her to tackle her career with confidence. 🤝

🌏 Her studies at KEDGE opened doors to international opportunities: England, Mexico, Australia... Each experience strengthened her ability to adapt to multicultural environments, enabled her to evolve in a stimulating environment, and to meet people sharing the same vision of success.

🚀 KEDGE, a lever for entrepreneurship

🌟 " KEDGE gave me the foundations I needed to approach entrepreneurship with confidence and pragmatism. The concrete projects I carried out at the school helped me understand how to structure an idea and make it viable." Alice recognizes the impact of KEDGE's teaching in the realization of her entrepreneurial project, but also the importance of the professional network she developed thanks to the school. " Connections and partnerships are essential in the development of a business, and KEDGE made me aware of this aspect right from the start."

🇨🇦 Halo Agence : Supporting expatriates in Quebec

🚀 After several years working in purchasing in France, Montreal and Dubai, Alice decided to return to Canada to create her own project. Halo Agence was born, with a simple mission: to make life easier for expatriates settling in Montreal: " Our mission is tohelp these new arrivals settle in and integrate smoothly into their new lives, by accompanying them through administrative procedures, finding housing, enrolling children in school, and much more."

Thanks to its personalized approach, Halo Agence quickly establishes itself as a key partner for new arrivals. "Every project is unique, and it's this diversity that makes my work so exciting." 👩‍💻

👀Future goals: Ambitions beyond borders

🇨🇦 Alice has no shortage of plans for the future. Her goal? To make Halo a key player and a benchmark for relocation in Quebec, and eventually expand to the rest of Canada.

The Club Halo, which she launched to promote networking between expatriates, is also a priority in her growth strategy. It will facilitate networking and the integration of expatriates in Montreal. Then, in the longer term, Alice dreams of sharing her expertise through conferences and publications on the themes of expatriation and entrepreneurship. 🎙️✍️

💬A ny advice for KEDGE students and graduates? Dare to create your own path!

"My main advice would be: don't be afraid to think outside the box. Throw yourself into projects you're passionate about, even if they seem risky at first. Entrepreneurship is often an adventure strewn with obstacles, but with perseverance and a good dose of creativity, you can succeed in turning your ideas into reality. KEDGE has given you the tools, use them to build a project that suits you, and surround you with a solid team and network. Success often lies in the ability to adapt and remain curious, two skills that the school has certainly passed on to you." ✨

If you'd like to find out more about Alice's journey, and Halo Agency 👇

🌎🎙️ Join us on October 22 for an inspiring conference with Alice Caperan and KLB Group!

🇨🇦 Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Starting at 6pm

Whether you're planning to go abroad for your first professional experience, or you're simply curious to find out more about the opportunities the country has to offer, this webinar is for you!

📱 Find Halo Agence on their social networks:

Instagram : @halo.agence

LinkedIn : halo agence

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