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Four KEDGE students are organising a sports trip for a mix of disabled and able-bodied students (and they need your help)
HOLIKAP, started by four KEDGE Business School students and supported by the association Comme les Autres, has organised the first extreme sports adventure trip for both disabled and able-bodied students!
Holikap’s first trip will be to Seignosse and is planned for 7 to 11 June 2021 if enough funds are raised by then.
The Comme les Autres association was co-founded in 2011 by wheelchair tennis champion Michaël Jérémiasz, who became a paraplegic after a skiing accident. It offers social support through sport and thrills to people who have motor disabilities as a result of an accident.
This project was started by Chloé DESPRES. She was quickly joined by Marie AMADÉO, Dalanda BÂ and Julien MONERON who were equally enchanted by the concept. Together they came up with Holikap, an adventure trip based on the same model as one offered by Comme les Autres, but theirs is exclusively reserved for students.
The project’s objective is twofold. Firstly, it’s intended to build and restore the body confidence and self-esteem of students with motor disabilities in order to speed up the acceptance of their body’s limitations so they can return to a fulfilling social life. Secondly, it aims to raise awareness and change the perception of the label “disability” among able-bodied participants.
This first edition is sponsored by Maxime Cabanne, a dynamic young sportsman with a disability who has competed in the World Surfing Championships in California four times. Nine students are invited to take part in a sports adventure trip. Four able-bodied students and four students in wheelchairs, plus a Com'On cameraman, will come together under the guidance of a representative from the association and a disability counsellor for one week. Made up of different ages and backgrounds, only the project’s founding team will have known each other before leaving on the trip. Everyone will discover the programme as they go along and live a sports adventure which will include various thrilling activities. It’s a timeless and transformative experience that will open up new horizons for students who rely on wheelchairs and contribute to changing the way able-bodied students view disabilities.
“An adventure of solidarity that is out of the ordinary!”
Help support Holikap to make this project become a reality
In addition to the sponsorship provided by Maxime Cabanne, the young students are launching a crowdfunding campaign on the Ulule platform - the success of which will determine whether or not the adventure will take place. Their goal of 3000€ will secure the trip by ensuring essential expenses (accommodation, food, transport, etc.) are covered. This is the minimum needed for the project to go forward; however this amount will only finance approximately 30% of the trip, so the four organisers are depending on you for the remaining funds.
The strength of Holikap lies in its solidarity.
Supporting this initiative means participating in the great Holikap adventure and helping change the way people look at disability.
Holikap is an adventure trip based on the same model as the one offered by Comme les Autres, but this one is exclusively reserved for students.
Holikap is the human adventure and solidary initiative of the summer!
Find all the information you need about the project via its crowdfunding campaign, as well as on Instagram @holikap and Facebook Projet Holikap!
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Chloé DESPRES – Communications Manager responsable communication
Additional information:
A sports adventure trip speeds up an injured person’s acceptance of his or her body and improves self-esteem, which is why Holikap wants to offer it to young students. This can be a key step in their career. Holikap wants to focus, not just on disabled and non-disabled people, but also between newly disabled people and people with more experience in their disability. The activities will be carried out in pairs (disabled and able-bodied), as is what happens on a Comme les Autres trip. With this "win-win process" each of the participants will live an experience that will transform them. The able-bodied also gain from the experience as they will discover various facets of motor disability, the difficulties faced in terms of getting around, as well as its daily limitations (showering, dressing, going out, etc.).
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