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FeelGoodFellows: The startup co-founded by a graduate that reinvents team building!

KEDGE graduate Timothée Boingnères rethinks team cohesion with FeelGoodFellows

🚀 An entrepreneurial adventure born of a simple observation

It's essential to create a bond within a company, but traditional team-building events are often too restrictive and one-off. With this in mind,Alexis Filia and Timothée Boingnères (a graduate of EBP) , co-founders of FeelGoodFellows, have developed a fun, digital solution for building lasting team cohesion.

"Nothing stands in the way of a close-knit team marching in the same direction."

- Alexis Filia

With their innovative platform, they offer collaborative challenges rooted in employees' daily lives, without cumbersome logistics. An approach perfectly suited to the new realities of hybrid and remote working.

🤝 A unique solution that breaks team building codes

Unlike traditional events, which are often costly and one-off, FeelGoodFellows relies on a gamified, ongoing approach. Employees take part in engaging challenges, encouraging mutual support and team spirit, wherever they may be.

"We wanted a solution that would create a bond over the long term, and not just once a year."

- Alexis Filia

This innovation is particularly appealing to companies with geographically dispersed teams. No need to bring everyone together physically: FeelGoodFellows integrates team cohesion directly into everyday working life.

🎓 From KEDGE to the heights of innovation

While Timothée Boingnères was already well acquainted with KEDGE Business School, Alexis Filia discovered the ecosystem by running code workshops on the Bordeaux and Paris campuses. Their entrepreneurial adventure eventually led them to join KEDGE Entrepreneurship through the French Tech Tremplin program.

"We've found quality support and an alumni network that can open many doors for us."

- Alexis Filia

By joining KEDGE Entrepreneurship, they benefit from advice, a stimulating environment and privileged access to a network of alumni ready to support new generations of entrepreneurs.

🎯 FeelGoodFellows in full expansion

Now in its marketing phase, FeelGoodFellows is looking to make its solution better known, and to increase the number of collaborations with companies in search of cohesion and dynamism.

An exclusive offer for KEDGE Alumni! For companies contacting FeelGoodFellows via a KEDGE alumnus, a discount of -10% is offered on the first experience launched.

👉 Are you an entrepreneur, HR or manager? Contact us and boost your team's cohesion today!

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